Source code for bodhi.server.models

# Copyright © 2011-2019 Red Hat, Inc. and others.
# This file is part of Bodhi.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
"""Bodhi's database models."""

from collections import defaultdict
from copy import copy
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
from textwrap import wrap
from urllib.error import URLError
import hashlib
import json
import os
import re
import time
import typing
import uuid

from packaging.version import parse as parse_version
from simplemediawiki import MediaWiki
from sqlalchemy import __version__ as sqlalchemy_version
from sqlalchemy import (
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import backref, class_mapper, relationship, validates
from sqlalchemy.orm.base import NEVER_SET
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
from import RelationshipProperty
from sqlalchemy.types import Enum, SchemaType, TypeDecorator
import requests.exceptions
import rpm

from bodhi.messages.schemas import buildroot_override as override_schemas
from bodhi.messages.schemas import errata as errata_schemas
from bodhi.messages.schemas import update as update_schemas
from bodhi.server import bugs, buildsys, log, mail, notifications, Session, util
from bodhi.server.config import config
from bodhi.server.exceptions import (
from bodhi.server.tasks import (
from bodhi.server.util import avatar as get_avatar
from bodhi.server.util import (

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    import bugzilla  # noqa: 401
    import pyramid  # noqa: 401


[docs]class EnumSymbol(object): """Define a fixed symbol tied to a parent class."""
[docs] def __init__(self, cls_, name, value, description): """ Initialize the EnumSymbol. Args: cls_ (EnumMeta): The metaclass this symbol is tied to. name (str): The name of this symbol. value (str): The value used in the database to represent this symbol. description (str): A human readable description of this symbol. """ self.cls_ = cls_ = name self.value = value self.description = description
[docs] def __lt__(self, other): """ Return True if self.value is less than other.value. Args: other (EnumSymbol): The other EnumSymbol we are being compared to. Returns: bool: True if self.value is less than other.value, False otherwise. """ return self.value < other.value
[docs] def __reduce__(self): """ Allow unpickling to return the symbol linked to the DeclEnum class. Returns: tuple: A 2-tuple of the ``getattr`` function, and a 2-tuple of the EnumSymbol's member class and name. """ return getattr, (self.cls_,
[docs] def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over this EnumSymbol's value and description. Returns: iterator: An iterator over the value and description. """ return iter([self.value, self.description])
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Return a string representation of this EnumSymbol. Returns: str: A string representation of this EnumSymbol's value. """ return "<%s>" %
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """ Return a string representation of this EnumSymbol. Returns: A string representation of this EnumSymbol's value. """ return str(self.value)
[docs] def __json__(self, request=None): """ Return a JSON representation of this EnumSymbol. Args: request (pyramid.request.Request): The current request. Returns: str: A string representation of this EnumSymbol's value. """ return self.value
[docs]class EnumMeta(type): """Generate new DeclEnum classes."""
[docs] def __init__(cls, classname, bases, dict_): """ Initialize the metaclass. Args: classname (str): The name of the enum. bases (list): A list of base classes for the enum. dict_ (dict): A key-value mapping for the new enum's attributes. Returns: DeclEnum: A new DeclEnum. """ cls._reg = reg = cls._reg.copy() for k, v in dict_.items(): if isinstance(v, tuple): sym = reg[v[0]] = EnumSymbol(cls, k, *v) setattr(cls, k, sym) return type.__init__(cls, classname, bases, dict_)
[docs] def __iter__(cls): """ Iterate the enum values. Returns: iterator: An iterator for the enum values. """ return iter(cls._reg.values())
[docs]class DeclEnum(metaclass=EnumMeta): """Declarative enumeration.""" _reg = {}
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, value): """ Convert a string version of the enum to its enum type. Args: value (str): A string that you wish to convert to an Enum value. Returns: EnumSymbol: The symbol corresponding to the value. Raises: ValueError: If no symbol matches the given value. """ try: return cls._reg[value] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Invalid value for %r: %r" % (cls.__name__, value))
[docs] @classmethod def values(cls): """ Return the possible values that this enum can take on. Returns: list: A list of strings of the values that this enum can represent. """ return list(cls._reg.keys())
[docs] @classmethod def db_type(cls): """ Return a database column type to be used for this enum. Returns: DeclEnumType: A DeclEnumType to be used for this enum. """ return DeclEnumType(cls)
[docs]class DeclEnumType(SchemaType, TypeDecorator): """A database column type for an enum.""" cache_ok = True """See ``sqlalchemy.types.TypeDecorator.cache_ok``"""
[docs] def __init__(self, enum): """ Initialize with the given enum. Args: enum (bodhi.server.models.EnumMeta): The enum metaclass. """ self.enum = enum self.impl = Enum( *enum.values(), name="ck%s" % re.sub('([A-Z])', lambda m: "_" +, enum.__name__), # Required for SQLAlchemy >= 1.3.8 # sort_key_function=lambda e: str(e), )
def _set_table(self, table, column): """ Set the table for this object. Args: table (sqlalchemy.sql.schema.Table): The table that uses this Enum. column (sqlalchemy.sql.schema.Column): The column that uses this Enum. """ self.impl._set_table(table, column)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return a copy of self. Returns: DeclEnumType: A copy of self. """ return DeclEnumType(self.enum)
[docs] def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): """ Return the value of the enum. Args: value (bodhi.server.models.enum.EnumSymbol): The enum symbol we are resolving the value of. dialect (sqlalchemy.engine.default.DefaultDialect): Unused. Returns: str: The EnumSymbol's value. """ if value is None: return None if type(value) is str: return value return value.value
[docs] def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): """ Return the enum that matches the given string. Args: value (str): The name of an enum. dialect (sqlalchemy.engine.default.DefaultDialect): Unused. Returns: EnumSymbol or None: The enum that matches value, or ``None`` if ``value`` is ``None``. """ if value is None: return None return self.enum.from_string(value.strip())
[docs] def create(self, bind=None, checkfirst=False): """Issue CREATE ddl for this type, if applicable.""" super(DeclEnumType, self).create(bind, checkfirst) t = self.dialect_impl(bind.dialect) if t.impl.__class__ is not self.__class__ and isinstance(t, SchemaType): t.impl.create(bind=bind, checkfirst=checkfirst)
[docs] def drop(self, bind=None, checkfirst=False): """Issue DROP ddl for this type, if applicable.""" super(DeclEnumType, self).drop(bind, checkfirst) t = self.dialect_impl(bind.dialect) if t.impl.__class__ is not self.__class__ and isinstance(t, SchemaType): t.impl.drop(bind=bind, checkfirst=checkfirst)
[docs]class BodhiBase(object): """ Base class for the SQLAlchemy model base class. Attributes: __exclude_columns__ (tuple): A list of columns to exclude from JSON __include_extras__ (tuple): A list of methods or attrs to include in JSON __get_by__ (tuple): A list of columns that :meth:`.get` will query. id (int): An integer id that serves as the default primary key. query (sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query): a class property which produces a Query object against the class and the current Session when called. """ __exclude_columns__ = ('id',) __include_extras__ = tuple() __get_by__ = () id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) query = Session.query_property()
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls, id): """ Return an instance of the model by using its __get_by__ attribute with id. Args: id (object): An attribute to look up the model by. Returns: BodhiBase or None: An instance of the model that matches the id, or ``None`` if no match was found. """ return cls.query.filter(or_( getattr(cls, col) == id for col in cls.__get_by__ )).first()
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """ Define a dictionary like interface for the models. Args: key (string): The name of an attribute you wish to retrieve from the model. Returns: object: The value of the attribute represented by key. """ return getattr(self, key)
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Return a string representation of this model. Returns: str: A string representation of this model. """ return '<{0} {1}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.__json__())
[docs] def __json__(self, request=None, exclude=None, include=None): """ Return a JSON representation of this model. Args: request (pyramid.request.Request or None): The current web request, or None. exclude (iterable or None): An iterable of strings naming the attributes to exclude from the JSON representation of the model. If None (the default), the class's __exclude_columns__ attribute will be used. include (iterable or None): An iterable of strings naming the extra attributes to include in the JSON representation of the model. If None (the default), the class's __include_extras__ attribute will be used. Returns: dict: A dict representation of the model suitable for serialization as JSON. """ return self._to_json(self, request=request, exclude=exclude, include=include)
@classmethod def _to_json(cls, obj, seen=None, request=None, exclude=None, include=None): """ Return a JSON representation of obj. Args: obj (BodhiBase): The model to serialize. seen (list or None): A list of attributes we have already serialized. Used by this method to keep track of its state, as it uses recursion. request (pyramid.request.Request or None): The current web request, or None. exclude (iterable or None): An iterable of strings naming the attributes to exclude from the JSON representation of the model. If None (the default), the class's __exclude_columns__ attribute will be used. include (iterable or None): An iterable of strings naming the extra attributes to include in the JSON representation of the model. If None (the default), the class's __include_extras__ attribute will be used. Returns: dict: A dict representation of the model suitable for serialization. """ if not seen: seen = [] if not obj: return if exclude is None: exclude = getattr(obj, '__exclude_columns__', []) properties = list(class_mapper(type(obj)).iterate_properties) rels = [p.key for p in properties if isinstance(p, RelationshipProperty)] attrs = [p.key for p in properties if p.key not in rels] d = dict([(attr, getattr(obj, attr)) for attr in attrs if attr not in exclude and not attr.startswith('_')]) if include is None: include = getattr(obj, '__include_extras__', []) for name in include: attribute = getattr(obj, name) if callable(attribute): attribute = attribute(request) d[name] = attribute for attr in rels: if attr in exclude: continue target = getattr(type(obj), attr).property.mapper.class_ if target in seen: continue d[attr] = cls._expand(obj, getattr(obj, attr), seen, request) for key, value in d.items(): if isinstance(value, datetime): d[key] = value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') elif isinstance(value, date): d[key] = value.isoformat() if isinstance(value, EnumSymbol): d[key] = str(value) return d @classmethod def _expand(cls, obj, relation, seen, req): """ Return the to_json or id of a sqlalchemy relationship. Args: obj (BodhiBase): The object we are trying to describe a relationship on. relation (object): A relationship attribute on obj we are trying to learn about. seen (list): A list of objects we have already recursed over. req (pyramid.request.Request): The current request. Returns: object: The to_json() or the id of a sqlalchemy relationship. """ if hasattr(relation, 'all'): relation = relation.all() if hasattr(relation, '__iter__'): return [cls._expand(obj, item, seen, req) for item in relation] if type(relation) not in seen: return cls._to_json(relation, seen + [type(obj)], req) else: return
[docs] @classmethod def grid_columns(cls): """ Return the column names for the model, except for the excluded ones. Returns: list: A list of column names, with excluded ones removed. """ columns = [] exclude = getattr(cls, '__exclude_columns__', []) for col in cls.__table__.columns: if in exclude: continue columns.append( return columns
[docs] @classmethod def find_polymorphic_child(cls, identity): """ Find a child of a polymorphic base class. For example, given the base Package class and the 'rpm' identity, this class method should return the RpmPackage class. This is accomplished by iterating over all classes in scope. Limiting that to only those which are an extension of the given base class. Among those, return the one whose polymorphic_identity matches the value given. If none are found, then raise a NameError. Args: identity (EnumSymbol): An instance of EnumSymbol used to identify the child. Returns: BodhiBase: The type-specific child class. Raises: KeyError: If this class is not polymorphic. NameError: If no child class is found for the given identity. TypeError: If identity is not an EnumSymbol. """ if not isinstance(identity, EnumSymbol): raise TypeError("%r is not an instance of EnumSymbol" % identity) if 'polymorphic_on' not in getattr(cls, '__mapper_args__', {}): raise KeyError("%r is not a polymorphic model." % cls) classes = (c for c in globals().values() if isinstance(c, type)) children = (c for c in classes if issubclass(c, cls)) for child in children: candidate = child.__mapper_args__.get('polymorphic_identity') if candidate is identity: return child error = "Found no child of %r with identity %r" raise NameError(error % (cls, identity))
Base = declarative_base(cls=BodhiBase) metadata = Base.metadata ## # Enumerated type declarations ##
[docs]class ContentType(DeclEnum): """ Used to differentiate between different kinds of content in various models. This enum is used to mark objects as pertaining to particular kinds of content type, such as RPMs or Modules. Attributes: base (EnumSymbol): This is used to represent base classes that are shared between specific content types. rpm (EnumSymbol): Used to represent RPM related objects. module (EnumSymbol): Used to represent Module related objects. container (EnumSymbol): Used to represent Container related objects. flatpak (EnumSymbol): Used to represent Flatpak related objects. """ base = 'base', 'Base' rpm = 'rpm', 'RPM' module = 'module', 'Module' container = 'container', 'Container' flatpak = 'flatpak', 'Flatpak'
[docs] @classmethod def infer_content_class(cls, base, build): """ Identify and return the child class associated with the appropriate ContentType. For example, given the Package base class and a normal koji build, return the RpmPackage model class. Or, given the Build base class and a container build, return the ContainerBuild model class. Args: base (BodhiBase): A base model class, such as :class:`Build` or :class:`Package`. build (dict): Information about the build from the build system (koji). Returns: BodhiBase: The type-specific child class of base that is appropriate to use with the given koji build. """ # Default value. Overridden below if we find markers in the build info identity = cls.rpm extra = build.get('extra') or {} if 'module' in extra.get('typeinfo', {}): identity = cls.module elif 'container_koji_task_id' in extra: if 'flatpak' in extra['image']: identity = cls.flatpak else: identity = cls.container return base.find_polymorphic_child(identity)
[docs]class UpdateStatus(DeclEnum): """ An enum used to describe the current state of an update. Attributes: pending (EnumSymbol): The update is not in any repository. testing (EnumSymbol): The update is in the testing repository. stable (EnumSymbol): The update is in the stable repository. unpushed (EnumSymbol): The update had been in a testing repository, but has been removed. obsolete (EnumSymbol): The update has been obsoleted by another update. side_tag_active (EnumSymbol): The update's side tag is currently active. side_tag_expired (EnumSymbol): The update's side tag has expired. """ pending = 'pending', 'pending' testing = 'testing', 'testing' stable = 'stable', 'stable' unpushed = 'unpushed', 'unpushed' obsolete = 'obsolete', 'obsolete' side_tag_active = 'side_tag_active', 'Side tag active' side_tag_expired = 'side_tag_expired', 'Side tag expired'
[docs]class TestGatingStatus(DeclEnum): """ This class lists the different status the ``Update.test_gating_status`` flag can have. Attributes: waiting (EnumSymbol): Bodhi is waiting to hear about the test gating status of the update. ignored (EnumSymbol): Greenwave said that the update does not require any tests. queued (EnumSymbol): Greenwave said that the required tests for this update have been queued. running (EnumSymbol): Greenwave said that the required tests for this update are running. passed (EnumSymbol): Greenwave said that the required tests for this update have passed. failed (EnumSymbol): Greenwave said that the required tests for this update have failed. """ waiting = 'waiting', 'Waiting' ignored = 'ignored', 'Ignored' queued = 'queued', 'Queued' running = 'running', 'Running' passed = 'passed', 'Passed' failed = 'failed', 'Failed' greenwave_failed = 'greenwave_failed', 'Greenwave failed to respond'
[docs]class UpdateType(DeclEnum): """ An enum used to classify the type of the update. Attributes: bugfix (EnumSymbol): The update fixes bugs only. security (EnumSymbol): The update addresses security issues. newpackage (EnumSymbol): The update introduces new packages to the release. enhancement (EnumSymbol): The update introduces new features. """ bugfix = 'bugfix', 'bugfix' security = 'security', 'security' newpackage = 'newpackage', 'newpackage' enhancement = 'enhancement', 'enhancement' unspecified = 'unspecified', 'unspecified'
[docs]class UpdateRequest(DeclEnum): """ An enum used to specify an update requesting to change states. Attributes: testing (EnumSymbol): The update is requested to change to testing. obsolete (EnumSymbol): The update has been obsoleted by another update. unpush (EnumSymbol): The update no longer needs to be released. revoke (EnumSymbol): The unpushed update will no longer be composed in any repository. stable (EnumSymbol): The update is ready to be pushed to the stable repository. """ testing = 'testing', 'testing' obsolete = 'obsolete', 'obsolete' unpush = 'unpush', 'unpush' revoke = 'revoke', 'revoke' stable = 'stable', 'stable'
[docs]class UpdateSeverity(DeclEnum): """ An enum used to specify the severity of the update. Attributes: unspecified (EnumSymbol): The packager has not specified a severity. urgent (EnumSymbol): The update is urgent. high (EnumSymbol): The update is high severity. medium (EnumSymbol): The update is medium severity. low (EnumSymbol): The update is low severity. """ unspecified = 'unspecified', 'unspecified' urgent = 'urgent', 'urgent' high = 'high', 'high' medium = 'medium', 'medium' low = 'low', 'low'
[docs]class UpdateSuggestion(DeclEnum): """ An enum used to tell the user whether they need to reboot or logout after applying an update. Attributes: unspecified (EnumSymbol): No action is needed. reboot (EnumSymbol): The user should reboot after applying the update. logout (EnumSymbol): The user should logout after applying the update. """ unspecified = 'unspecified', 'unspecified' reboot = 'reboot', 'reboot' logout = 'logout', 'logout'
[docs]class ReleaseState(DeclEnum): """ An enum that describes the state of a :class:`Release`. Attributes: disabled (EnumSymbol): Indicates that the release is disabled. pending (EnumSymbol): Indicates that the release is pending. frozen (EnumSymbol): Indicates that the release is frozen. current (EnumSymbol): Indicates that the release is current. archived (EnumSymbol): Indicates that the release is archived. """ disabled = 'disabled', 'disabled' pending = 'pending', 'pending' frozen = 'frozen', 'frozen' current = 'current', 'current' archived = 'archived', 'archived'
[docs]class ComposeState(DeclEnum): """ Define the various states that a :class:`Compose` can be in. Attributes: requested (EnumSymbol): A compose has been requested, but it has not started yet. pending (EnumSymbol): The request for the compose has been received by the backend worker, but the compose has not started yet. initializing (EnumSymbol): The compose is initializing. updateinfo (EnumSymbol): The updateinfo.xml is being generated. punging (EnumSymbol): A Pungi soldier has been deployed to deal with the situation. syncing_repo (EnumSymbol): The repo is being synced to the master mirror. notifying (EnumSymbol): Pungi has finished successfully, and we are now sending out various forms of notifications, such as e-mail, bus messages, and bugzilla. success (EnumSymbol): The Compose has completed successfully. failed (EnumSymbol): The compose has failed, abandon hope. signing_repo (EnumSymbol): Waiting for the repo to be signed. cleaning (EnumSymbol): Cleaning old Composes after successful completion. """ requested = 'requested', 'Requested' pending = 'pending', 'Pending' initializing = 'initializing', 'Initializing' updateinfo = 'updateinfo', 'Generating updateinfo.xml' punging = 'punging', 'Waiting for Pungi to finish' syncing_repo = 'syncing_repo', 'Wait for the repo to hit the master mirror' notifying = 'notifying', 'Sending notifications' success = 'success', 'Success' failed = 'failed', 'Failed' signing_repo = 'signing_repo', 'Signing repo' cleaning = 'cleaning', 'Cleaning old composes'
[docs]class PackageManager(DeclEnum): """ An enum used to specify what package manager is used by a specific Release. Attributes: unspecified (EnumSymbol): for releases where the package manager is not specified. dnf (EnumSymbol): DNF package manager. yum (EnumSymbol): YUM package manager. """ unspecified = 'unspecified', 'package manager not specified' dnf = 'dnf', 'dnf' yum = 'yum', 'yum'
## # Association tables ## update_bug_table = Table( 'update_bug_table', metadata, Column('update_id', Integer, ForeignKey('')), Column('bug_id', Integer, ForeignKey(''))) build_testcase_table = Table( 'build_testcase_table', metadata, Column('build_id', Integer, ForeignKey('')), Column('testcase_id', Integer, ForeignKey('')))
[docs]class Release(Base): """ Represent a distribution release, such as Fedora 27. Attributes: name (str): The name of the release, such as 'F27'. long_name (str): A human readable name for the release, such as 'Fedora 27'. version (str): The version of the release, such as '27'. id_prefix (str): The prefix to use when forming update aliases for this release, such as 'FEDORA'. branch (str): The dist-git branch associated with this release, such as 'f27'. dist_tag (str): The koji dist_tag associated with this release, such as 'f27'. stable_tag (str): The koji tag to be used for stable builds in this release, such as 'f27-updates'. testing_tag (str): The koji tag to be used for testing builds in this release, such as 'f27-updates-testing'. candidate_tag (str): The koji tag used for builds that are candidates to be updates, such as 'f27-updates-candidate'. pending_signing_tag (str): The koji tag that specifies that a build is waiting to be signed, such as 'f27-signing-pending'. pending_testing_tag (str): The koji tag that indicates that a build is waiting to be composed into the testing repository, such as 'f27-updates-testing-pending'. pending_stable_tag (str): The koji tag that indicates that a build is waiting to be composed into the stable repository, such as 'f27-updates-pending'. override_tag (str): The koji tag that is used when a build is added as a buildroot override, such as 'f27-override'. mail_template (str): The notification mail template. state (:class:`ReleaseState`): The current state of the release. Defaults to ``ReleaseState.disabled``. builds (sqlalchemy.orm.collections.InstrumentedList): An iterable of :class:`Builds <Build>` associated with this release. composed_by_bodhi (bool): The flag that indicates whether the release is composed by Bodhi or not. Defaults to True. create_automatic_updates (bool): A flag indicating that updates should be created automatically for Koji builds tagged into the ``candidate_tag``. Defaults to False. package_manager (EnumSymbol): The package manager this release uses. This must be one of the values defined in :class:`PackageManager`. testing_repository (str): The name of repository where updates are placed for testing before being pushed to the main repository. eol (str): End-of-life of the release in a format '2020-05-17'. """ __tablename__ = 'releases' __exclude_columns__ = ('id', 'builds', 'composes') __get_by__ = ('name', 'long_name', 'dist_tag') name = Column(Unicode(10), unique=True, nullable=False) long_name = Column(Unicode(25), unique=True, nullable=False) version = Column(Unicode(5), nullable=False) id_prefix = Column(Unicode(25), nullable=False) branch = Column(Unicode(10), nullable=False) dist_tag = Column(Unicode(20), nullable=False) stable_tag = Column(UnicodeText, nullable=False) testing_tag = Column(UnicodeText, nullable=False) candidate_tag = Column(UnicodeText, nullable=False) pending_signing_tag = Column(UnicodeText, nullable=False) pending_testing_tag = Column(UnicodeText, nullable=False) pending_stable_tag = Column(UnicodeText, nullable=False) override_tag = Column(UnicodeText, nullable=False) mail_template = Column(UnicodeText, default='fedora_errata_template', nullable=False) state = Column(ReleaseState.db_type(), default=ReleaseState.disabled, nullable=False) composed_by_bodhi = Column(Boolean, default=True) create_automatic_updates = Column(Boolean, default=False) _version_int_regex = re.compile(r'\D+(\d+)[CMFN]?$') package_manager = Column(PackageManager.db_type(), default=PackageManager.unspecified) testing_repository = Column(UnicodeText, nullable=True) eol = Column(Date, nullable=True) # One-to-many relationships # builds backref from Build # composes backref from Compos @property def critpath_min_karma(self) -> int: """ Return the min_karma for critpath updates for this release. If the release doesn't specify a min_karma, the default critpath.min_karma setting is used instead. Returns: The minimum karma required for critical path updates for this release. """ if self.setting_status: min_karma = config.get( f'{self.setting_prefix}.{self.setting_status}.critpath.min_karma', None) if min_karma: return int(min_karma) return config.get('critpath.min_karma') @property def version_int(self): """ Return an integer representation of the version of this release. Returns: int: The version of the release. """ return int(self._version_int_regex.match([0]) @property def mandatory_days_in_testing(self): """ Return the number of days that updates in this release must spend in testing. Returns: int: The number of days in testing that updates in this release must spend in testing. If the release isn't configured to have mandatory testing time, 0 is returned. """ if self.setting_status: days = config.get(f'{self.setting_prefix}.{self.setting_status}' f'.mandatory_days_in_testing', None) else: days = config.get(f'{self.id_prefix.lower().replace("-", "_")}' f'.mandatory_days_in_testing', None) if days is None: log.warning(f'No mandatory days in testing defined for {}. Defaulting to 0.') return 0 else: return int(days) @property def critpath_mandatory_days_in_testing(self): """ Return the number of days that critpath updates in this release must spend in testing. Returns: int: The number of days in testing that critpath updates in this release must spend in testing. If the release isn't configured to have critpath mandatory testing time, 0 is returned. """ if self.setting_status: days = config.get(f'{self.setting_prefix}.{self.setting_status}' f'.critpath.stable_after_days_without_negative_karma', None) if days is not None: return int(days) return config.get('critpath.stable_after_days_without_negative_karma', 0) @property def collection_name(self): """ Return the collection name of this release (eg: Fedora EPEL). Returns: str: The collection name of this release. """ return ' '.join(self.long_name.split()[:-1])
[docs] @classmethod def all_releases(cls): """ Return a mapping of release states to a list of dictionaries describing the releases. Returns: defaultdict: Mapping strings of :class:`ReleaseState` names to lists of dictionaries that describe the releases in those states. """ if cls._all_releases: return cls._all_releases releases = defaultdict(list) for release in cls.query.order_by( releases[release.state.value].append(release.__json__()) cls._all_releases = releases return cls._all_releases
_all_releases = None
[docs] @classmethod def clear_all_releases_cache(cls): """Clear up Release cache.""" cls._all_releases = None
[docs] @classmethod def get_tags(cls, session): """ Return a 2-tuple mapping tags to releases. Args: session (sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session): A database session. Returns: tuple: A 2-tuple. The first element maps the keys 'candidate', 'testing', 'stable', 'override', 'pending_testing', and 'pending_stable' each to a list of tags for various releases that correspond to those tag semantics. The second element maps each koji tag to the release's name that uses it. """ if cls._tag_cache: return cls._tag_cache data = {'candidate': [], 'testing': [], 'stable': [], 'override': [], 'pending_testing': [], 'pending_stable': []} tags = {} # tag -> release lookup for release in session.query(cls).all(): for key in data: tag = getattr(release, '%s_tag' % key) data[key].append(tag) tags[tag] = cls._tag_cache = (data, tags) return cls._tag_cache
_tag_cache = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_tags(cls, tags, session): """ Find a release associated with one of the given koji tags. Args: tags (list): A list of koji tags for which an associated release is desired. session (sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session): A database session. Returns: Release or None: The first release found that matches the first tag. If no release is found, ``None`` is returned. """ tag_types, tag_rels = cls.get_tags(session) for tag in tags: if tag not in tag_rels: continue release = session.query(cls).filter_by(name=tag_rels[tag]).first() if release: return release
@property def setting_prefix(self) -> str: """ Return the prefix for settings that pertain to this Release. Returns: The Release's setting prefix. """ return'-', '') @property def setting_status(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: """ Return the status of the Release from settings. Return the Release's status setting from the config. For example, if the release is f30, this will return the value of f30.status from the config file. Note: This is not the same as Release.state. Returns: The status of the release. """ return config.get(f'{self.setting_prefix}.status', None)
[docs] def get_pending_testing_side_tag(self, from_tag: str) -> str: """ Return the testing-pending side tag for this ``Release``. Args: from_tag: Name of side tag from which ``Update`` was created. Returns: Testing-pending side tag used in koji. """ side_tag_postfix = config.get( f'{self.setting_prefix}.koji-testing-side-tag', "-testing-pending") return from_tag + side_tag_postfix
[docs] def get_pending_signing_side_tag(self, from_tag: str) -> str: """ Return the signing-pending side tag for this ``Release``. Args: from_tag: Name of side tag from which ``Update`` was created. Returns: Signing-pending side tag used in koji. """ side_tag_postfix = config.get( f'{self.setting_prefix}.koji-signing-pending-side-tag', "-signing-pending") return from_tag + side_tag_postfix
[docs]class TestCase(Base): """ Represents test cases from the wiki. Attributes: name (str): The name of the test case. package_name (str): The name of the package associated with this test case. """ __tablename__ = 'testcases' __get_by__ = ('name',) __exclude_columns__ = ('builds', 'feedback') name = Column(UnicodeText, nullable=False, unique=True)
# One-to-many relationships # feedback backref from TestCaseKarma # Many-to-many relationships # builds backref
[docs]class Package(Base): """ This model represents a package. This model uses single-table inheritance to allow for different package types. Attributes: name (str): A text string that uniquely identifies the package. requirements (str): A text string that lists space-separated taskotron test results that must pass for this package type (int): The polymorphic identity column. This is used to identify what Python class to create when loading rows from the database. builds (sqlalchemy.orm.collections.InstrumentedList): A list of :class:`Build` objects. """ __tablename__ = 'packages' __get_by__ = ('name',) __exclude_columns__ = ('id', 'builds',) name = Column(UnicodeText, nullable=False) requirements = Column(UnicodeText) type = Column(ContentType.db_type(), nullable=False) # One-to-many relationships builds = relationship('Build', backref=backref('package', lazy='joined', innerjoin=True)) __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_on': type, 'polymorphic_identity': ContentType.base, } __table_args__ = ( UniqueConstraint('name', 'type', name='packages_name_and_type_key'), ) @property def external_name(self): """ Return the package name as it's known to external services. For most Packages, this is Returns: str: The name of this package. """ return
[docs] def get_pkg_committers_from_pagure(self): """ Pull users and groups who can commit on a package in Pagure. Returns a tuple with two lists: * The first list contains usernames that have commit access. * The second list contains FAS group names that have commit access. Raises: RuntimeError: If Pagure did not give us a 200 code. """ pagure_url = config.get('pagure_url') namespace = config.get('pagure_namespaces')[] package_pagure_url = '{0}/api/0/{1}/{2}?expand_group=1'.format( pagure_url.rstrip('/'), namespace, self.external_name) package_json = pagure_api_get(package_pagure_url) committers = set() for access_type in ['owner', 'admin', 'commit']: committers = committers | set( package_json['access_users'][access_type]) groups = set() for access_type in ['admin', 'commit']: for group_name in package_json['access_groups'][access_type]: groups.add(group_name) # Add to the list of committers the users in the groups # having admin or commit access committers = committers | set( package_json.get( 'group_details', {}).get(group_name, [])) # The first list contains usernames with commit access. The second list # contains FAS group names with commit access. return list(committers), list(groups)
[docs] def hascommitaccess(self, username: str, branchname: str) -> bool: """ Check on Pagure if a user has commit access on the package/branch. Raises: RuntimeError: If Pagure did not give us a 200 code. """ pagure_url = config.get('pagure_url') namespace = config.get('pagure_namespaces')[] # Here we override the queried branchname because: # - flatpaks only have one main branch # - modules streams have no direct mapping to branch names # The effect is that we cannot check collaborators rights for specific # streams on modules, so we fall back to old Bodhi behavior if self.type == ContentType.flatpak: branchname = config.get('pagure_flatpak_main_branch') elif self.type == ContentType.module: branchname = config.get('pagure_module_main_branch') pagure_query_url = (f'{pagure_url.rstrip("/")}/api/0/{namespace}/{self.external_name}' f'/hascommit?user={username}&branch={branchname}') pagure_response = pagure_api_get(pagure_query_url) return pagure_response['hascommit']
[docs] @validates('builds') def validate_builds(self, key, build): """ Validate builds being appended to ensure they are all the same type as the Package. This method checks to make sure that all the builds on self.builds have their type attribute equal to self.type. The goal is to make sure that Builds of a specific type are only ever associated with Packages of the same type and vice-versa. For example, RpmBuilds should only ever associate with RpmPackages and never with ModulePackages. Args: key (str): The field's key, which is un-used in this validator. build (Build): The build object which was appended to the list of builds. Raises: ValueError: If the build being appended is not the same type as the package. """ if build.type != self.type: raise ValueError( ("A {} Build cannot be associated with a {} Package. A Package's builds must be " "the same type as the package.").format( build.type.description, self.type.description)) return build
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Return a string representation of the package. Returns: str: A string representing this package. """ x = header( states = {'pending': [], 'testing': [], 'stable': []} if self.builds: for build in self.builds: if build.update and build.update.status.description in states: states[build.update.status.description].append( build.update) for state in states: if states[state]: x += "\n %s Updates (%d)\n" % (state.title(), len(states[state])) for update in states[state]: x += " o %s\n" % update.get_title() del states return x
@staticmethod def _get_name(build): """ Determine the package name for a particular build. For most builds, this will return the RPM name, unless overridden in a specific subclass. Args: build (dict): Information about the build from the build system (koji). Returns: str: The Package object identifier for this build. """ name, _, _ = build['nvr'] return name
[docs] @staticmethod def check_existence(build): """ Check if the Package instance associated with the build is already in database. Args: build (dict): Information about the build from the build system (koji). Returns: bool: True if the type-specific instance of Package is alreadi in database. """ base = ContentType.infer_content_class(Package, build['info']) name = base._get_name(build) package = base.query.filter_by(name=name).one_or_none() if not package: return False return True
[docs] @staticmethod def get_or_create(session, build): """ Identify and return the Package instance associated with the build. For example, given a normal koji build, return a RpmPackage instance. Or, given a container, return a ContainerBuild instance. Args: session (sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session): A database session. build (dict): Information about the build from the build system (koji). Returns: Package: A type-specific instance of Package for the specific build requested. """ base = ContentType.infer_content_class(Package, build['info']) name = base._get_name(build) package = base.query.filter_by(name=name).one_or_none() if not package: package = base(name=name) session.add(package) session.flush() return package
[docs]class ContainerPackage(Package): """Represents a Container package.""" __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': ContentType.container, }
[docs]class FlatpakPackage(Package): """Represents a Flatpak package.""" __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': ContentType.flatpak, }
[docs]class ModulePackage(Package): """Represents a Module package.""" __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': ContentType.module, } @property def external_name(self): """ Return the package name as it's known to external services. For modules, this splits the :stream portion back off. Returns: str: The name of this module package without :stream. """ return':')[0] @staticmethod def _get_name(build): """ Determine the name:stream for a particular module build. Args: build (dict): Information about the build from the build system (koji). Returns: str: The name:stream of this module build. """ name, stream, _ = build['nvr'] return '%s:%s' % (name, stream)
[docs]class RpmPackage(Package): """Represents a RPM package.""" __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': ContentType.rpm, }
[docs]class Build(Base): """ This model represents a specific build of a package. This model uses single-table inheritance to allow for different build types. Attributes: nvr (str): The nvr field is really a mapping to the Koji field, and is used to reference builds in Koji. It is named nvr in reference to the dash-separated name-version-release Koji name for RPMs, but it is used by other types as well. At the time of this writing, it was not practical to rename nvr since it is used in the REST API to reference builds. Thus, it should be thought of as a Koji build identifier rather than strictly as an RPM's name, version, and release. package_id (int): A foreign key to the Package that this Build is part of. release_id (int): A foreign key to the Release that this Build is part of. signed (bool): If True, this package has been signed by robosignatory. If False, it has not been signed yet. update_id (int): A foreign key to the Update that this Build is part of. release (sqlalchemy.orm.relationship): A relationship to the Release that this build is part of. type (ContentType): The polymorphic identify of the row. This is used by sqlalchemy to identify which subclass of Build to use. testcases (sqlalchemy.orm.collections.InstrumentedList): A list of :class:`TestCase` objects. """ __tablename__ = 'builds' __exclude_columns__ = ('id', 'package', 'package_id', 'release', 'testcases', 'update_id', 'update', 'override') __get_by__ = ('nvr',) nvr = Column(Unicode(100), unique=True, nullable=False) signed = Column(Boolean, default=False, nullable=False) # Many-to-one relationships package_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) # package backref from Package release_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) release = relationship('Release', backref='builds', lazy=False) update_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), index=True) # update backref from Update # Many-to-many relationships testcases = relationship('TestCase', secondary=build_testcase_table, backref='builds', order_by='') type = Column(ContentType.db_type(), nullable=False) __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_on': type, 'polymorphic_identity': ContentType.base, } def _get_kojiinfo(self): """ Return Koji build info about this build, from a cache if possible. Returns: dict: The response from Koji's getBuild() for this Build. """ if not hasattr(self, '_kojiinfo'): koji_session = buildsys.get_session() self._kojiinfo = koji_session.getBuild(self.nvr) return self._kojiinfo def _get_n_v_r(self): """ Return the N, V and R components for a traditionally dash-separated build. Returns: tuple: A 3-tuple of name, version, release. """ return self.nvr.rsplit('-', 2) @property def nvr_name(self): """ Return the RPM name. Returns: str: The name of the Build. """ return self._get_n_v_r()[0] @property def nvr_version(self): """ Return the RPM version. Returns: str: The version of the Build. """ return self._get_n_v_r()[1] @property def nvr_release(self): """ Return the RPM release. Returns: str: The release of the Build. """ return self._get_n_v_r()[2]
[docs] def get_n_v_r(self): """ Return the (name, version, release) of this build. Note: This does not directly return the Build's nvr attribute, which is a str. Returns: tuple: A 3-tuple representing the name, version and release from the build. """ return (self.nvr_name, self.nvr_version, self.nvr_release)
[docs] def get_tags(self, koji=None): """ Return a list of koji tags for this build. Args: koji (bodhi.server.buildsys.Buildsysem or koji.ClientSession): A koji client. Defaults to calling bodhi.server.buildsys.get_session(). Return: list: A list of strings of the Koji tags on this Build. """ if not koji: koji = buildsys.get_session() return [tag['name'] for tag in koji.listTags(self.nvr)]
[docs] def get_owner_name(self): """ Return the koji username of the user who built the build. Returns: str: The username of the user. """ return self._get_kojiinfo()['owner_name']
[docs] def get_build_id(self): """ Return the koji build id of the build. Returns: id: The task/build if of the build. """ return self._get_kojiinfo()['id']
[docs] def get_task_id(self) -> int: """ Return the koji task id of the build. Returns: id: The task if of the build or None """ return self._get_kojiinfo().get('task_id')
[docs] def get_changelog(self, timelimit=0, lastupdate=False): """Will be overridden from child classes, when appropriate.""" return ""
[docs] def get_creation_time(self) -> datetime: """Return the creation time of the build.""" return datetime.fromisoformat(self._get_kojiinfo()['creation_time'])
[docs] def unpush(self, koji, from_side_tag=False): """ Move this build back to the candidate tag and remove any pending tags. Args: koji (bodhi.server.buildsys.Buildsysem or koji.ClientSession): A koji client. from_side_tag (bool): if the build was originally built in a side-tag. """'Unpushing %s' % self.nvr) release = self.update.release for tag in self.get_tags(koji): if tag == release.pending_signing_tag:'Removing %s tag from %s' % (tag, self.nvr)) koji.untagBuild(tag, self.nvr) if tag == release.pending_testing_tag:'Removing %s tag from %s' % (tag, self.nvr)) koji.untagBuild(tag, self.nvr) if tag == release.pending_stable_tag:'Removing %s tag from %s' % (tag, self.nvr)) koji.untagBuild(tag, self.nvr) if tag == release.testing_tag: if not from_side_tag:'Moving {self.nvr} from {tag} to {release.candidate_tag}') koji.moveBuild(tag, release.candidate_tag, self.nvr) else:'Removing {tag} tag from {self.nvr}') koji.untagBuild(tag, self.nvr) elif from_side_tag and tag == release.candidate_tag:'Removing {tag} tag from {self.nvr}') koji.untagBuild(tag, self.nvr)
[docs] def is_latest(self) -> bool: """Check if this is the latest build available in the stable tag.""" koji_session = buildsys.get_session() # Get the latest builds in koji in a tag for a package koji_builds = koji_session.getLatestBuilds( self.update.release.stable_tag, ) for koji_build in koji_builds: build_creation_time = datetime.fromisoformat(koji_build['creation_time']) if self.get_creation_time() < build_creation_time: return False return True
[docs] def update_test_cases(self, db): """ Update the list of test cases for this build from the wiki. Args: db (sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session): A database session. Raises: ExternalCallException: When retrieving testcases from Wiki failed. """ if not config.get('query_wiki_test_cases'): return start = datetime.utcnow() log.debug(f'Querying the wiki for test cases of {self.nvr}') wiki = MediaWiki(config.get('wiki_url')) cat_page = f'Category:Package {self.package.external_name} test cases' def list_categorymembers(wiki, cat_page, limit=500): # Build query arguments and call wiki query = dict(action='query', list='categorymembers', cmtitle=cat_page, cmlimit=limit) try: response = except URLError: raise ExternalCallException('Failed retrieving testcases from Wiki') members = [entry['title'] for entry in response.get('query', {}).get('categorymembers', {}) if 'title' in entry] # Determine whether we need to recurse if limit > 0: for idx, member in enumerate(copy(members)): if member.startswith('Category:'): members.extend(list_categorymembers(wiki, member, limit - 1)) members.remove(members[idx]) # remove Category from list log.debug(f'Found the following unit tests: {members}') return members fetched = set(list_categorymembers(wiki, cat_page)) # Delete removed testcases for case in self.testcases: if not in fetched: self.testcases.remove(case) log.debug(f'Removed testcase "{}" from {self.nvr}') # Add new testcases for test in fetched: case = TestCase.get(test) if not case: case = TestCase(name=test) db.add(case) db.flush() log.debug(f'Found new testcase "{}" and added to database') if case not in self.testcases: self.testcases.append(case) log.debug(f'Added testcase "{}" to {self.nvr}') db.flush() log.debug(f'Finished querying for test cases in {datetime.utcnow() - start}')
[docs]class ContainerBuild(Build): """ Represents a Container build. Note that this model uses single-table inheritance with its Build superclass. """ __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': ContentType.container, }
[docs]class FlatpakBuild(Build): """ Represents a Flatpak build. Note that this model uses single-table inheritance with its Build superclass. """ __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': ContentType.flatpak, }
[docs]class ModuleBuild(Build): """ Represents a Module build. Note that this model uses single-table inheritance with its Build superclass. Attributes: nvr (str): A unique Koji identifier for the module build. """ __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': ContentType.module, } @property def nvr_name(self): """ Return the ModuleBuild's name. Returns: str: The name of the module. """ return self._get_kojiinfo()['name'] @property def nvr_version(self): """ Return the the ModuleBuild's stream. Returns: str: The stream of the ModuleBuild. """ return self._get_kojiinfo()['version'] @property def nvr_release(self): """ Return the ModuleBuild's version and context. Returns: str: The version of the ModuleBuild. """ return self._get_kojiinfo()['release']
[docs]class RpmBuild(Build): """ Represents an RPM build. Note that this model uses single-table inheritance with its Build superclass. Attributes: nvr (str): A dash (-) separated string of an RPM's name, version, and release (e.g. 'bodhi-2.5.0-1.fc26') epoch (int): The RPM's epoch. """ epoch = Column(Integer, default=0) __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': ContentType.rpm, } @property def evr(self): """ Return the RpmBuild's epoch, version, release, all strings in a 3-tuple. Return: tuple: (epoch, version, release) """ if not self.epoch: self.epoch = self._get_kojiinfo()['epoch'] if not self.epoch: self.epoch = 0 return (str(self.epoch), str(self.nvr_version), str(self.nvr_release))
[docs] def get_latest(self): """ Return the nvr string of the most recent evr that is less than this RpmBuild's nvr. If there is no other Build, this returns ``None``. Returns: str or None: An nvr string, formatted like RpmBuild.nvr. If there is no other Build, returns ``None``. """ koji_session = buildsys.get_session() # Grab a list of builds tagged with ``Release.stable_tag`` release # tags, and find the most recent update for this package, other than # this one. If nothing is tagged for -updates, then grab the first # thing in ``Release.dist_tag``. We aren't checking # ``Release.candidate_tag`` first, because there could potentially be # packages that never make their way over stable, so we don't want to # generate ChangeLogs against those. latest = None evr = self.evr for tag in [self.release.stable_tag, self.release.dist_tag]: builds = koji_session.listTagged( tag,, inherit=True) # Find the first build that is older than us for build in builds: old_evr = build_evr(build) if rpm.labelCompare(evr, old_evr) > 0: latest = build['nvr'] break if latest: break return latest
[docs] def get_changelog(self, timelimit=0, lastupdate=False): """ Retrieve the RPM changelog of this package since it's last update, or since timelimit. Args: timelimit (int): Timestamp, specified as the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. lastupdate (bool): Only returns changelog since last update. Return: str: The RpmBuild's changelog. """ rpm_header = get_rpm_header(self.nvr) descrip = rpm_header['changelogtext'] if not descrip: return "" who = rpm_header['changelogname'] when = rpm_header['changelogtime'] num = len(descrip) if not isinstance(when, list): when = [when] if lastupdate: lastpkg = self.get_latest() if lastpkg is not None: oldh = get_rpm_header(lastpkg) if oldh['changelogtext']: timelimit = oldh['changelogtime'] if isinstance(timelimit, list): timelimit = timelimit[0] str = "" i = 0 while (i < num) and (when[i] > timelimit): try: str += '* %s %s\n%s\n' % (time.strftime("%a %b %e %Y", time.localtime(when[i])), who[i], descrip[i]) except Exception: log.exception('Unable to add changelog entry for header %s', rpm_header) i += 1 return str
if parse_version(sqlalchemy_version) >= parse_version("1.4.0"): overlaps_kw = {"overlaps": "release"} else: overlaps_kw = {}
[docs]class Update(Base): """ This model represents an update. The update contains not just one package, but a collection of packages. Each package can be referenced only once in one Update. Packages are referenced through their Build objects using field ``builds`` below. Attributes: autokarma (bool): A boolean that indicates whether or not the update will be automatically pushed when the stable_karma threshold is reached. autotime (bool): A boolean that indicates whether or not the update will be automatically pushed when the time threshold is reached. stable_karma (int): A positive integer that indicates the amount of "good" karma the update must receive before being automatically marked as stable. stable_days (int): A positive integer that indicates the number of days an update needs to spend in testing before being automatically marked as stable. unstable_karma (int): A positive integer that indicates the amount of "bad" karma the update must receive before being automatically marked as unstable. requirements (str): A list of taskotron tests that must pass for this update to be considered stable. require_bugs (bool): Indicates whether or not positive feedback needs to be provided for the associated bugs before the update can be considered stable. require_testcases (bool): Indicates whether or not the update requires that positive feedback be given on all associated wiki test cases before the update can pass to stable. If the update has no associated wiki test cases, this option has no effect. display_name (str): Allows the user to customize the name of the update. notes (str): Notes about the update. This is a human-readable field that describes what the update is for (e.g. the bugs it fixes). type (EnumSymbol): The type of the update (e.g. enhancement, bugfix, etc). It must be one of the values defined in :class:`UpdateType`. status (EnumSymbol): The current status of the update. Possible values include 'pending' to indicate it is not yet in a repository, 'testing' to indicate it is in the testing repository, etc. It must be one of the values defined in :class:`UpdateStatus`. request (EnumSymbol): The requested status of the update. This must be one of the values defined in :class:`UpdateRequest` or ``None``. severity (EnumSymbol): The update's severity. This must be one of the values defined in :class:`UpdateSeverity`. suggest (EnumSymbol): Suggested action a user should take after applying the update. This must be one of the values defined in :class:`UpdateSuggestion`. locked (bool): Indicates whether or not the update is locked and un-editable. This is usually set by the composer because the update is going through a state transition. pushed (bool): Indicates whether or not the update has been pushed to its requested repository. critpath (bool): Indicates whether or not the update is for a "critical path" :class:`Package`. Critical path packages are packages that are required for basic functionality. For example, the kernel :class:`RpmPackage` is a critical path package. close_bugs (bool): Indicates whether the Bugzilla bugs that this update is related to should be closed automatically when the update is pushed to stable. date_submitted (DateTime): The date that the update was created. date_modified (DateTime): The date the update was last modified or ``None``. date_approved (DateTime): The date the update was approved or ``None``. date_pushed (DateTime): The date the update was pushed or ``None``. date_testing (DateTime): The date the update was placed into the testing repository or ``None``. date_stable (DateTime): The date the update was placed into the stable repository or ``None``. alias (str): The update alias (e.g. FEDORA-EPEL-2009-12345). release_id (int): A foreign key to the releases ``id``. release (Release): The ``Release`` object this update relates to via the ``release_id``. comments (sqlalchemy.orm.collections.InstrumentedList): A list of the :class:`Comment` objects for this update. builds (sqlalchemy.orm.collections.InstrumentedList): A list of :class:`Build` objects contained in this update. bugs (sqlalchemy.orm.collections.InstrumentedList): A list of :class:`Bug` objects associated with this update. user_id (int): A foreign key to the :class:`User` that created this update. test_gating_status (EnumSymbol): The test gating status of the update. This must be one of the values defined in :class:`TestGatingStatus` or ``None``. None indicates that Greenwave integration was not enabled when the update was created. compose (Compose): The :class:`Compose` that this update is currently being composed in. The update is locked if this is defined. from_tag (str): The koji tag from which the list of builds was originally populated (if any). """ __tablename__ = 'updates' __exclude_columns__ = ('id', 'user_id', 'release_id') __include_extras__ = ('meets_testing_requirements', 'url', 'title', 'version_hash') __get_by__ = ('alias',) autokarma = Column(Boolean, default=True, nullable=False) autotime = Column(Boolean, default=True, nullable=False) stable_karma = Column(Integer, nullable=False) stable_days = Column(Integer, nullable=False, default=0) unstable_karma = Column(Integer, nullable=False) requirements = Column(UnicodeText) require_bugs = Column(Boolean, default=False) require_testcases = Column(Boolean, default=False) display_name = Column(UnicodeText, nullable=False, default='') notes = Column(UnicodeText, nullable=False) # Mandatory notes # Enumerated types type = Column(UpdateType.db_type(), nullable=False) status = Column(UpdateStatus.db_type(), default=UpdateStatus.pending, nullable=False, index=True) request = Column(UpdateRequest.db_type(), index=True) severity = Column(UpdateSeverity.db_type(), default=UpdateSeverity.unspecified) suggest = Column(UpdateSuggestion.db_type(), default=UpdateSuggestion.unspecified) # Flags locked = Column(Boolean, default=False) pushed = Column(Boolean, default=False) critpath = Column(Boolean, default=False) # Bug settings close_bugs = Column(Boolean, default=True) # Timestamps date_submitted = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow, index=True) date_modified = Column(DateTime) date_approved = Column(DateTime) date_pushed = Column(DateTime) date_testing = Column(DateTime) date_stable = Column(DateTime) # eg: FEDORA-EPEL-2009-12345 alias = Column(Unicode(64), unique=True, nullable=False) # Many-to-one relationships release_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) release = relationship('Release', lazy='joined', innerjoin=True) user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) # user backref from User # If the update is locked and a Compose exists for the same release and request, this will be # set to that Compose. compose = relationship( 'Compose', primaryjoin=("and_(Update.release_id==Compose.release_id, Update.request==Compose.request, " "Update.locked==True)"), foreign_keys=(release_id, request), backref=backref('updates', passive_deletes=True, order_by='Update.date_submitted', **overlaps_kw), **overlaps_kw) # One-to-many relationships comments = relationship('Comment', backref='update', cascade="all,delete,delete-orphan", order_by='Comment.timestamp', lazy='joined') builds = relationship('Build', backref='update', order_by='Build.nvr', lazy='joined') # Many-to-many relationships bugs = relationship('Bug', secondary=update_bug_table, backref='updates', order_by='Bug.bug_id') # Greenwave test_gating_status = Column(TestGatingStatus.db_type(), default=None, nullable=True) # Koji tag, if any, from which the list of builds was populated initially. from_tag = Column(UnicodeText, nullable=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize the Update. We use this as a way to inject an alias into the Update, since it is a required field and we don't want callers to have to generate the alias themselves. """ # Let's give this Update an alias so the DB doesn't become displeased with us. if 'release' not in kwargs: raise ValueError('You must specify a Release when creating an Update.') prefix = kwargs['release'].id_prefix year = time.localtime()[0] id = hashlib.sha1(str(uuid.uuid4()).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[:10] alias = '%s-%s-%s' % (prefix, year, id) self.alias = alias self.release_id = kwargs['release'].id super(Update, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) log.debug('Set alias for %s to %s' % (self.get_title(), alias)) if self.status == UpdateStatus.testing: self._ready_for_testing(self, self.status, None, None) @property def version_hash(self): """ Return a SHA1 hash of the Builds NVRs. Returns: str: a SHA1 hash of the builds NVRs. """ nvrs = [x.nvr for x in self.builds] builds = " ".join(sorted(nvrs)) return hashlib.sha1(str(builds).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() @property def side_tag_locked(self): """ Return the lock state of the side tag. Returns: bool: True if sidetag is locked, False otherwise. """ return self.status == UpdateStatus.side_tag_active and self.request is not None # WARNING: consumers/ assumes that this validation is performed!
[docs] @validates('builds') def validate_builds(self, key, build): """ Validate builds being appended to ensure they are all the same type. Args: key (str): The field's key, which is un-used in this validator. build (Build): The build object which was appended to the list of builds. Raises: ValueError: If the build being appended is not the same type as the existing builds. """ if not all(isinstance(b, type(build)) for b in self.builds): raise ValueError('An update must contain builds of the same type.') return build
[docs] @validates('release') def validate_release(self, key, release): """ Make sure the release is the same content type as this update. Args: key (str): The field's key, which is un-used in this validator. release (Release): The release object which is being associated with this update. Raises: ValueError: If the release being associated is not the same content type as the update. """ if release and self.content_type is not None: u = Update.query.filter(Update.release_id ==, != if u and u.content_type and u.content_type != self.content_type: raise ValueError('A release must contain updates of the same type.') return release
@property def date_locked(self): """ Return the time that this update became locked. Returns: datetime.datetime or None: The time this update became locked, or None if it is not locked. """ if self.locked and self.compose is not None: return self.compose.date_created @property def mandatory_days_in_testing(self): """ Calculate and return how many days an update should be in testing before becoming stable. :return: The number of mandatory days in testing. :rtype: int """ if self.critpath: return self.release.critpath_mandatory_days_in_testing else: return self.release.mandatory_days_in_testing @property def karma(self): """ Calculate and return the karma for the Update. :return: The Update's current karma. :rtype: int """ positive_karma, negative_karma = self._composite_karma return positive_karma + negative_karma @property def _composite_karma(self): """ Calculate and return a 2-tuple of the positive and negative karma. Sums the positive karma comments, and then sums the negative karma comments. The total karma is simply the sum of the two elements of this 2-tuple. Returns: tuple: A 2-tuple of (positive_karma, negative_karma). """ positive_karma = 0 negative_karma = 0 users_counted = set() for comment in self.comments_since_karma_reset: if comment.karma and not in users_counted: # Make sure we only count the last comment this user made users_counted.add( if comment.karma > 0: positive_karma += comment.karma else: negative_karma += comment.karma return positive_karma, negative_karma @property def comments_since_karma_reset(self): """ Generate the comments since the most recent karma reset event. Karma is reset when :class:`Builds <Build>` are added or removed from an update. Returns: list: class:`Comments <Comment>` since the karma reset. """ # We want to traverse the comments in reverse order so we only consider # the most recent comments from any given user and only the comments # since the most recent karma reset event. comments_since_karma_reset = [] for comment in reversed(self.comments): if == 'bodhi' and \ ('New build' in comment.text or 'Removed build' in comment.text): # We only want to consider comments since the most recent karma # reset, which happens whenever a build is added or removed # from an Update. Since we are traversing the comments in # reverse order, once we find one of these comments we can # simply exit this loop. break comments_since_karma_reset.append(comment) return comments_since_karma_reset
[docs] @staticmethod def contains_critpath_component(builds, release_branch): """ Determine if there is a critpath component in the builds passed in. Args: builds (list): :class:`Builds <Build>` to be considered. release_branch (str): The name of the git branch associated to the release, such as "f25" or "master". Returns: bool: ``True`` if the update contains a critical path package, ``False`` otherwise. Raises: RuntimeError: If the PDC did not give us a 200 code. """ components = defaultdict(list) # Get the mess down to a dict of ptype -> [pname] for build in builds: ptype = build.package.type.value pname = components[ptype].append(pname) for ptype in components: if get_critpath_components(release_branch, ptype, frozenset(components[ptype])): return True return False
@property def greenwave_subject(self): """ Form and return the proper Greenwave API subject field for this Update. Returns: list: A list of dictionaries that are appropriate to be passed to the Greenwave API subject field for a decision about this Update. """ # See discussion on for why we use these subjects. subject = [{'item': build.nvr, 'type': 'koji_build'} for build in self.builds] subject.append({'item': self.alias, 'type': 'bodhi_update'}) return subject
[docs] def greenwave_request_batches(self, verbose): """ Form and return the proper Greenwave API requests data for this Update. Returns: list: A list of dictionaries that are appropriate to be passed to the Greenwave API for a decision about this Update. """ batch_size = self.greenwave_subject_batch_size count = 0 subjects = self.greenwave_subject data = [] while count < len(subjects): for context in self._greenwave_decision_contexts: data.append({ 'product_version': self.product_version, 'decision_context': context, 'subject': subjects[count:count + batch_size], 'verbose': verbose, }) count += batch_size return data
@property def greenwave_request_batches_json(self): """ Form and return the proper Greenwave API requests data for this Update as JSON. Returns: str: A JSON list of objects that are appropriate to be passed to the Greenwave API for a decision about this Update. """ return json.dumps(self.greenwave_request_batches(verbose=True)) @property def greenwave_subject_batch_size(self): """Maximum number of subjects in single Greenwave request.""" return config.get('greenwave_batch_size', 8) @property def _greenwave_api_url(self): if not config.get('greenwave_api_url'): raise BodhiException('No greenwave_api_url specified') return '{}/decision'.format(config.get('greenwave_api_url')) @property def _greenwave_decision_contexts(self): # We retrieve updates going to testing (status=pending) and updates # (status=testing) going to stable. # We also query on different contexts for critpath and non-critpath # updates. # this is correct if update is already in testing... contexts = ["bodhi_update_push_stable"] if self.request == UpdateRequest.testing and self.status == UpdateStatus.pending: # ...but if it is pending, we want to know if it can go to testing contexts = ["bodhi_update_push_testing"] if self.critpath: contexts.insert(0, contexts[0] + "_critpath") return contexts
[docs] def get_test_gating_info(self): """ Query Greenwave about this update and return the information retrieved. Returns: list: A list of response dicts from Greenwave for this update. Raises: BodhiException: When the ``greenwave_api_url`` is undefined in configuration. RuntimeError: If Greenwave did not give us a 200 code. """ return [util.greenwave_api_post(self._greenwave_api_url, data) for data in self.greenwave_request_batches(verbose=True)]
@property def _greenwave_requirements_generator(self): """ Query Greenwave about this update and return satisfied and unsatisfied requirements. Returns: generator: An iterable of 2-tuples of lists of requirement dicts from each request batch: first tuple item satisfied requirements, second item unsatisfied requirements. Either list or both may be empty. Raises: BodhiException: When the ``greenwave_api_url`` is undefined in configuration. RuntimeError: If Greenwave did not give us a 200 code, including if no applicable policies were found. """ for data in self.greenwave_request_batches(verbose=False): response = util.greenwave_api_post(self._greenwave_api_url, data) satisfied = response.get('satisfied_requirements', []) unsatisfied = response.get('unsatisfied_requirements', []) yield (satisfied, unsatisfied) @property def _unsatisfied_requirements(self): """Query Greenwave about this update and return all unsatisfied requirements. Returns: list: A list of unsatisfied requirement dicts. Raises: BodhiException: When the ``greenwave_api_url`` is undefined in configuration. RuntimeError: If Greenwave did not give us a 200 code, including if no applicable policies were found. """ ret = [] for (_, unsatisfied) in self._greenwave_requirements_generator: ret.extend(unsatisfied) return ret def _get_test_gating_status(self): """ Query Greenwave about this update and return the information retrieved. Returns: TestGatingStatus: - TestGatingStatus.ignored if no tests are required - TestGatingStatus.passed if there are required tests and policies are satisfied - TestGatingStatus.waiting if there are required tests that have not yet completed, no required test has failed, and update was last modified less than 2 hours ago - TestGatingStatus.failed otherwise (failed required tests, missing required test results and last modified more than 2 hours ago) Raises: BodhiException: When the ``greenwave_api_url`` is undefined in configuration. RuntimeError: If Greenwave did not give us a 200 code, including if no applicable policies were found. """ gotsat = False gotunsat = False recent = datetime.utcnow() - self.last_modified < timedelta(hours=2) for (satisfied, unsatisfied) in self._greenwave_requirements_generator: if satisfied: gotsat = True if unsatisfied: gotunsat = True if not recent or not all(req.get('type', '') == 'test-result-missing' for req in unsatisfied): return TestGatingStatus.failed if not gotsat and not gotunsat: return TestGatingStatus.ignored if gotsat and not gotunsat: return TestGatingStatus.passed # here, we have unsatisfied requirements but we never bailed early # in the for loop, so they are all 'missing' and update was recently modified return TestGatingStatus.waiting @property def install_command(self) -> str: """ Return the appropriate command for installing the Update. There are four conditions under which the empty string is returned: * If the update is in testing status for rawhide. * If the update is not in a stable or testing repository. * If the release has not specified a package manager. * If the release has not specified a testing repository. Returns: The dnf command to install the Update, or the empty string. """ if not self.release.composed_by_bodhi and self.status == UpdateStatus.testing: return '' if self.status != UpdateStatus.stable and self.status != UpdateStatus.testing: return '' if self.release.package_manager == PackageManager.unspecified \ or self.release.testing_repository is None: return '' command = 'sudo {} {}{}{} --advisory={}{}'.format( self.release.package_manager.value, 'install' if self.type == UpdateType.newpackage else 'upgrade', (' --enablerepo=' + self.release.testing_repository) if self.status == UpdateStatus.testing else '', ' --refresh' if self.release.package_manager.value == 'dnf' else '', self.alias, r' \*' if self.type == UpdateType.newpackage else '') return command
[docs] def update_test_gating_status(self): """Query Greenwave about this update and set the test_gating_status as appropriate.""" try: self.test_gating_status = self._get_test_gating_status() except (requests.exceptions.Timeout, RuntimeError) as e: log.error(str(e)) # If we receive a 500 error code from Greenwave, we set the test_gating_status to # waiting. The status will then be updated later by the greenwave fedora-messaging # consumer. self.test_gating_status = TestGatingStatus.waiting
[docs] @classmethod def new(cls, request, data): """ Create a new update. Args: request (pyramid.request.Request): The current web request. data (dict): A key-value mapping of the new update's attributes. Returns: tuple: A 2-tuple of the edited update and a list of dictionaries that describe caveats. Raises: RuntimeError: If the PDC did not give us a 200 code. """ db = request.db user = User.get( data['user'] = user caveats = [] data['critpath'] = cls.contains_critpath_component( data['builds'], data['release'].branch) # Be sure to not add an empty string as alternative title # and strip whitespaces from it if 'display_name' in data: data['display_name'] = data['display_name'].strip() # Create the Bug entities, but don't talk to rhbz yet. We do that # offline in the UpdatesHandler task worker now. bugs = [] if data['bugs']: for bug_num in data['bugs']: bug = db.query(Bug).filter_by(bug_id=bug_num).first() if not bug: bug = Bug(bug_id=bug_num) db.add(bug) db.flush() bugs.append(bug) data['bugs'] = bugs # If no requirements are provided, then gather some defaults from the # packages of the associated builds. # See if not data['requirements']: data['requirements'] = " ".join(list(set(sum([ list(tokenize(pkg.requirements)) for pkg in [ build.package for build in data['builds'] ] if pkg.requirements], [])))) del(data['edited']) req = data.pop("request", UpdateRequest.testing) # Create the update log.debug("Creating new Update(**data) object.") release = data.pop('release', None) if not release.composed_by_bodhi: # For rawhide updates make sure autotime push is enabled # data['autotime'] = True data['stable_days'] = 0 log.debug("Overriding autotime settings for rawhide update.") up = Update(**data, release=release) # We want to make sure that the value of stable_days # will not be lower than the mandatory_days_in_testing. if up.mandatory_days_in_testing > up.stable_days: up.stable_days = up.mandatory_days_in_testing caveats.append({ 'name': 'stable days', 'description': "The number of stable days required was set to the mandatory " f"release value of {up.mandatory_days_in_testing} days" }) log.debug(f"Adding new update to the db {up.alias}.") db.add(up) log.debug(f"Triggering db commit for new update {up.alias}.") db.commit()"Deferring working on bugs and fetching test cases to celery") alias = up.alias if not bool(config.get('bodhi_email')): log.warning("Not configured to handle bugs") else: bug_ids = [bug.bug_id for bug in up.bugs] work_on_bugs_task.delay(alias, bug_ids) fetch_test_cases_task.delay(alias) # track whether to set gating status shortly... setgs = config.get('test_gating.required') # The request to testing for side-tag updates is set within the signed consumer if not data.get("from_tag"): log.debug(f"Setting request for new update {up.alias}.") up.set_request(db, req, if req == UpdateRequest.testing: # set_request will update gating status if necessary setgs = False if setgs: log.debug( 'Test gating required is enforced, marking the update as waiting on test gating') up.test_gating_status = TestGatingStatus.waiting log.debug(f"Done with {up.alias}") return up, caveats
[docs] @classmethod def edit(cls, request, data): """ Edit the update. Args: request (pyramid.request.Request): The current web request. data (dict): A key-value mapping of what should be altered in this update. Returns: tuple: A 2-tuple of the edited update and a list of dictionaries that describe caveats. Raises: LockedUpdateException: If the update is locked. RuntimeError: If the PDC did not give us a 200 code. """ db = request.db buildinfo = request.buildinfo up = db.query(Update).filter_by(alias=data['edited']).first() del(data['edited']) caveats = [] edited_builds = [build.nvr for build in up.builds] # Be sure to not add an empty string as alternative title # and strip whitespaces from it if 'display_name' in data: data['display_name'] = data['display_name'].strip() # stable_days can be set by the user. We want to make sure that the value # will not be lower than the mandatory_days_in_testing. if up.mandatory_days_in_testing > data.get('stable_days', up.stable_days): data['stable_days'] = up.mandatory_days_in_testing caveats.append({ 'name': 'stable days', 'description': "The number of stable days required was raised to the mandatory " f"release value of {up.mandatory_days_in_testing} days" }) # Determine which builds have been added new_builds = [] for build in data['builds']: if build not in edited_builds: if up.locked: raise LockedUpdateException("Can't add builds to a " "locked update") new_builds.append(build) Package.get_or_create(db, buildinfo[build]) b = db.query(Build).filter_by(nvr=build).first() up.builds.append(b) # Determine which builds have been removed removed_builds = [] for build in edited_builds: if build not in data['builds']: if up.locked: raise LockedUpdateException("Can't remove builds from a " "locked update") removed_builds.append(build) b = None for b in up.builds: if b.nvr == build: break b.unpush(koji=request.koji, from_side_tag=bool(up.from_tag)) up.builds.remove(b) # Expire any associated buildroot override if b.override: log.debug(f"Expiring BRO for {b.nvr} because the build is unpushed.") b.override.expire() else: # Only delete the Build entity if it isn't associated with # an override db.delete(b) data['critpath'] = cls.contains_critpath_component( up.builds, up.release.branch) del(data['builds']) # Comment on the update with details of added/removed builds # .. enumerate the builds in markdown format so they're pretty. comment = '%s edited this update.' % if new_builds: comment += '\n\nNew build(s):\n' for new_build in new_builds: comment += "\n- %s" % new_build if removed_builds: comment += '\n\nRemoved build(s):\n' for removed_build in removed_builds: comment += "\n- %s" % removed_build if new_builds or removed_builds: comment += '\n\nKarma has been reset.' up.comment(db, comment, karma=0, author='bodhi') caveats.append({'name': 'builds', 'description': comment}) # Updates with new or removed builds always go back to testing if new_builds or removed_builds: data['request'] = UpdateRequest.testing # And, updates with new or removed builds always get their karma reset. # data['karma_critipath'] = 0 up.date_testing = None if up.status != UpdateStatus.pending: # Remove all koji tags and change the status back to pending up.unpush(db) caveats.append({ 'name': 'status', 'description': 'Builds changed. Your update is being ' 'sent back to testing.', }) builds_to_tag = [b.nvr for b in up.builds] else: # No need to unpush the update, just tag new builds # into the appropriate pending-signing tag # and release-candidate tag if builds are in side-tag builds_to_tag = new_builds if up.from_tag and not up.release.composed_by_bodhi: tags = [up.release.get_pending_signing_side_tag(up.from_tag)] elif up.from_tag: tags = [up.release.candidate_tag] if up.release.pending_signing_tag: tags.append(up.release.pending_signing_tag) else: # For normal updates the builds already have candidate_tag if up.release.pending_signing_tag: tags = [up.release.pending_signing_tag] for tag in tags: tag_update_builds_task.delay(tag=tag, builds=builds_to_tag) new_bugs = up.update_bugs(data['bugs'], db) del(data['bugs']) req = data.pop("request", None) if req is not None and up.release.composed_by_bodhi: up.set_request(db, req, for key, value in data.items(): setattr(up, key, value) up.date_modified = datetime.utcnow() notifications.publish(update_schemas.UpdateEditV1.from_dict( message={'update': up, 'agent':, 'new_bugs': new_bugs})) # If editing a Pending update, all of whose builds are signed, for a release # which isn't composed by Bodhi (i.e. Rawhide), move it directly to Testing. if not up.release.composed_by_bodhi and up.status == UpdateStatus.pending \ and up.signed:"Every build in the update is signed, set status to testing") up.status = UpdateStatus.testing up.date_testing = func.current_timestamp() up.request = None"Update status of {up.alias} has been set to testing") if config['test_gating.required']:"Updating test gating status of {up.alias}") up.update_test_gating_status() # Commit the changes in the db before calling celery tasks. db.commit()"Deferring working on bugs and fetching test cases to celery") alias = up.alias if not bool(config.get('bodhi_email')): log.warning("Not configured to handle bugs") else: work_on_bugs_task.delay(alias, new_bugs) fetch_test_cases_task.delay(alias)"Done editing {up.alias}") return up, caveats
@property def signed(self): """ Return whether the update is considered signed or not. This will return ``True`` if all :class:`Builds <Build>` associated with this update are signed, or if the associated :class:`Release` does not have a ``pending_signing_tag`` defined. Otherwise, it will return ``False``. If the update is created ``from_tag`` always check if every build is signed. Returns: bool: ``True`` if the update is signed, ``False`` otherwise. """ if not self.release.pending_signing_tag and not self.from_tag: return True return all(build.signed for build in self.builds) @property def content_type(self): """ Return the ContentType associated with this update. If the update has no :class:`Builds <Build>`, this evaluates to ``None``. Returns: ContentType or None: The content type of this update or ``None``. """ if self.builds: return self.builds[0].type @property def test_gating_passed(self) -> bool: """ Returns a boolean representing if this update has passed the test gating. Returns: True if the Update's test_gating_status property is None, ignored, or passed. Otherwise it returns False. """ if self.test_gating_status in ( None, TestGatingStatus.ignored, TestGatingStatus.passed): return True return False
[docs] def obsolete_older_updates(self, db): """Obsolete any older pending/testing updates. If a build is associated with multiple updates, make sure that all updates are safe to obsolete, or else just skip it. Args: db (sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session): A database session. Returns: list: A list of dictionaries that describe caveats. """ caveats = [] for build in self.builds: for oldBuild in db.query(Build).join(Update).filter( and_(Build.nvr != build.nvr, Build.package == build.package, Update.locked == False, Update.release == self.release, or_(and_(or_(Update.status == UpdateStatus.testing, Update.status == UpdateStatus.pending), or_(Update.request != UpdateRequest.stable, Update.request == None)), and_(or_(Update.status == UpdateStatus.testing, Update.status == UpdateStatus.pending), Update.request == UpdateRequest.stable, self.request == UpdateRequest.stable))) ).all(): obsoletable = False nvr = build.get_n_v_r() if rpm.labelCompare(oldBuild.get_n_v_r(), nvr) < 0: log.debug("%s is newer than %s" % (nvr, oldBuild.nvr)) obsoletable = True # Ensure that all of the packages in the old update are # present in the new one. pkgs = [ for b in self.builds] for _build in oldBuild.update.builds: if not in pkgs: obsoletable = False break # Warn if you're stomping on another user but don't necessarily # obsolete them if len(oldBuild.update.builds) != len(self.builds): if != caveats.append({ 'name': 'update', 'description': 'Please be aware that there ' 'is another update in flight owned by %s, ' 'containing %s. Are you coordinating with ' 'them?' % (, oldBuild.nvr, ) }) # Warn about attempt to obsolete security update by update with # other type and set type of new update to security. if oldBuild.update.type == and \ self.type is not caveats.append({ 'name': 'update', 'description': 'Adjusting type of this update to security,' 'since it obsoletes another security update' }) self.type = self.severity = oldBuild.update.severity if obsoletable:'%s is obsoletable' % oldBuild.nvr) # Have the newer update inherit the older updates bugs oldbugs = [bug.bug_id for bug in oldBuild.update.bugs] bugs = [bug.bug_id for bug in self.bugs] self.update_bugs(bugs + oldbugs, db) # Also inherit the older updates notes as well and # add a markdown separator between the new and old ones. self.notes += '\n\n----\n\n' + oldBuild.update.notes oldBuild.update.obsolete(db, newer=build) template = ('This update has obsoleted %s, and has ' 'inherited its bugs and notes.') link = "[%s](%s)" % (oldBuild.nvr, oldBuild.update.abs_url()) self.comment(db, template % link, author='bodhi') caveats.append({ 'name': 'update', 'description': template % oldBuild.nvr, }) return caveats
[docs] def get_tags(self): """ Return all koji tags for all builds on this update. Returns: list: strings of the koji tags used in this update. """ return list(set(sum([b.get_tags() for b in self.builds], [])))
@property def title(self) -> str: """ Return the Update's title. This is just an alias for get_title with default parameters. """ return self.get_title()
[docs] def get_title(self, delim=' ', limit=None, after_limit='…', beautify=False, nvr=False, amp=False): """ Return a title for the update based on the :class:`Builds <Build>` it is associated with. Args: delim (str): The delimiter used to separate the builds. Defaults to ' '. limit (int or None): If provided, limit the number of builds included to the given number. If ``None`` (the default), no limit is used. after_limit (str): If a limit is set, use this string after the limit is reached. Defaults to '…'. beautify (bool): If provided, the returned string will be human readable, i.e. 3 or more builds will take the form "package1, package2 and XXX more". nvr (bool): If specified, the title will include name, version and release information in package labels. amp (bool): If specified, it will replace the word 'and' with an ampersand, '&'. Returns: str: A title for this update. """ if beautify: if self.display_name: return self.display_name def build_label(build): return build.nvr if nvr else if len(self.builds) > 2: title = ", ".join([build_label(build) for build in self.builds[:2]]) if amp: title += ", & " else: title += ", and " title += str(len(self.builds) - 2) title += " more" return title elif len(self.builds) == 0: return self.alias else: return " and ".join([build_label(build) for build in self.builds]) else: if len(self.builds) == 0: return self.alias all_nvrs = [x.nvr for x in self.builds] nvrs = all_nvrs[:limit] builds = delim.join(sorted(nvrs)) + \ (after_limit if limit and len(all_nvrs) > limit else "") return builds
[docs] def get_bugstring(self, show_titles=False): """ Return a space-delimited string of bug numbers for this update. Args: show_titles (bool): If True, include the bug titles in the output. If False, include only bug ids. Returns: str: A space separated list of bugs associated with this update. """ val = '' if show_titles: i = 0 for bug in self.bugs: bugstr = '%s%s - %s\n' % ( i and ' ' * 11 + ': ' or '', bug.bug_id, bug.title) val += '\n'.join(wrap( bugstr, width=67, subsequent_indent=' ' * 11 + ': ')) + '\n' i += 1 val = val[:-1] else: val = ' '.join([str(bug.bug_id) for bug in self.bugs]) return val
[docs] def get_bug_karma(self, bug): """ Return the karma for this update for the given bug. Args: bug (Bug): The bug we want the karma about. Returns: tuple: A 2-tuple of integers. The first represents negative karma, the second represents positive karma. """ good, bad, seen = 0, 0, set() for comment in self.comments_since_karma_reset: if in seen: continue seen.add( for feedback in comment.bug_feedback: if feedback.bug == bug: if feedback.karma > 0: good += 1 elif feedback.karma < 0: bad += 1 return bad * -1, good
[docs] def get_testcase_karma(self, testcase): """ Return the karma for this update for the given TestCase. Args: testcase (TestCase): The TestCase we want the karma about. Returns: tuple: A 2-tuple of integers. The first represents negative karma, the second represents positive karma. """ good, bad, seen = 0, 0, set() for comment in self.comments_since_karma_reset: if in seen: continue seen.add( for feedback in comment.unique_testcase_feedback: if feedback.testcase == testcase: if feedback.karma > 0: good += 1 elif feedback.karma < 0: bad += 1 return bad * -1, good
[docs] def set_request(self, db, action, username): """ Set the update's request to the given action. Args: db (sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session): A database session. action (UpdateRequest or str): The desired request. May be expressed as an UpdateRequest instance, or as a string describing the desired request. username (str): The username of the user making the request. Raises: BodhiException: Two circumstances can raise this ``Exception``: * If the user tries to push a critical path update directly from pending to stable. * If the update doesn't meet testing requirements. LockedUpdateException: If the update is locked. """ log.debug('Attempting to set request %s' % action) notes = [] if isinstance(action, str): action = UpdateRequest.from_string(action) if self.status and action.description == self.status.description:"%s already %s" % (self.alias, action.description)) return if action is self.request: log.debug("%s has already been submitted to %s" % (self.alias, self.request.description)) return if self.locked: raise LockedUpdateException("Can't change the request on a " "locked update") if not self.release.composed_by_bodhi \ and action == (UpdateRequest.stable or UpdateRequest.testing): raise BodhiException('Setting a request on an Update for a Release ' 'not composed by Bodhi is not allowed') if action is UpdateRequest.unpush: self.unpush(db) self.comment(db, u'This update has been unpushed.', author=username) notifications.publish(update_schemas.UpdateRequestUnpushV1.from_dict(dict( update=self, agent=username))) log.debug("%s has been unpushed." % self.alias) return elif action is UpdateRequest.obsolete: self.obsolete(db) log.debug("%s has been obsoleted." % self.alias) notifications.publish(update_schemas.UpdateRequestObsoleteV1.from_dict(dict( update=self, agent=username))) return # If status is pending going to testing request and action is revoke, # set the status to unpushed elif self.status is UpdateStatus.pending and self.request is UpdateRequest.testing \ and action is UpdateRequest.revoke: self.status = UpdateStatus.unpushed self.revoke() log.debug("%s has been revoked." % self.alias) notifications.publish(update_schemas.UpdateRequestRevokeV1.from_dict(dict( update=self, agent=username))) return # If status is testing going to stable request and action is revoke, # keep the status at testing elif self.request == UpdateRequest.stable and \ self.status is UpdateStatus.testing and action is UpdateRequest.revoke: self.revoke() log.debug("%s has been revoked." % self.alias) notifications.publish(update_schemas.UpdateRequestRevokeV1.from_dict(dict( update=self, agent=username))) return elif action is UpdateRequest.revoke: self.revoke() log.debug("%s has been revoked." % self.alias) notifications.publish(update_schemas.UpdateRequestRevokeV1.from_dict(dict( update=self, agent=username))) return # Disable pushing critical path updates for pending releases directly to stable if action == UpdateRequest.stable and self.critpath: if config.get('critpath.num_admin_approvals') is not None: if not self.critpath_approved: stern_note = ( 'This critical path update has not yet been approved for pushing to the ' 'stable repository. It must first reach a karma of %s, consisting of %s ' 'positive karma from proventesters, along with %d additional karma from ' 'the community. Or, it must spend %s days in testing without any negative ' 'feedback') additional_karma = config.get('critpath.min_karma') \ - config.get('critpath.num_admin_approvals') stern_note = stern_note % ( config.get('critpath.min_karma'), config.get('critpath.num_admin_approvals'), additional_karma, config.get('critpath.stable_after_days_without_negative_karma')) if config.get('test_gating.required'): stern_note += ' Additionally, it must pass automated tests.' notes.append(stern_note) if self.status is UpdateStatus.testing: self.request = None raise BodhiException('. '.join(notes)) else:'Forcing critical path update into testing') action = UpdateRequest.testing # Ensure this update meets the minimum testing requirements flash_notes = '' if action == UpdateRequest.stable and not self.critpath: # Check if we've met the karma requirements if self.karma >= self.stable_karma or self.critpath_approved: log.debug('%s meets stable karma requirements' % self.alias) else: # If we haven't met the stable karma requirements, check if it # has met the mandatory time-in-testing requirements if self.mandatory_days_in_testing: if not self.has_stable_comment and \ not self.meets_testing_requirements: if self.release.id_prefix == "FEDORA-EPEL": flash_notes = config.get('not_yet_tested_epel_msg') else: flash_notes = config.get('not_yet_tested_msg') if self.status is UpdateStatus.testing: self.request = None raise BodhiException(flash_notes) elif self.request is UpdateRequest.testing: raise BodhiException(flash_notes) else: action = UpdateRequest.testing # Add the appropriate 'pending' koji tag to this update, so tools like # AutoQA can compose repositories of them for testing. # If it's a new side-tag update, koji tags are managed by the celery task if action is UpdateRequest.testing and not self.from_tag: self.add_tag(self.release.pending_signing_tag) elif action is UpdateRequest.stable: self.add_tag(self.release.pending_stable_tag) if self.request == UpdateRequest.testing: self.remove_tag(self.release.pending_testing_tag) # If an obsolete/unpushed build is being re-submitted, return # it to the pending state, and make sure it's tagged as a candidate if self.status in (UpdateStatus.obsolete, UpdateStatus.unpushed): self.status = UpdateStatus.pending if self.release.candidate_tag not in self.get_tags(): self.add_tag(self.release.candidate_tag) self.request = action notes = notes and '. '.join(notes) + '.' or '' flash_notes = flash_notes and '. %s' % flash_notes log.debug( "%s has been submitted for %s. %s%s" % ( self.alias, action.description, notes, flash_notes)) comment_text = 'This update has been submitted for %s by %s. %s' % ( action.description, username, notes) # Add information about push to stable delay to comment when release is frozen. if self.release.state == ReleaseState.frozen and action == UpdateRequest.stable: comment_text += ( "\n\nThere is an ongoing freeze; this will be " "pushed to stable after the freeze is over. " ) self.comment(db, comment_text, author=u'bodhi') action_message_map = { UpdateRequest.revoke: update_schemas.UpdateRequestRevokeV1, UpdateRequest.stable: update_schemas.UpdateRequestStableV1, UpdateRequest.testing: update_schemas.UpdateRequestTestingV1, UpdateRequest.unpush: update_schemas.UpdateRequestUnpushV1, UpdateRequest.obsolete: update_schemas.UpdateRequestObsoleteV1} notifications.publish(action_message_map[action].from_dict( dict(update=self, agent=username))) if action == UpdateRequest.testing: if config['test_gating.required']:"Updating test gating status of {self.alias}") self.update_test_gating_status() if action == UpdateRequest.stable: self.obsolete_older_updates(db) # Commit the changes in the db before calling a celery task. db.commit()
[docs] def waive_test_results(self, username, comment=None, tests=None): """ Attempt to waive test results for this update. Args: username (str): The name of the user who is waiving the test results. comment (str): A comment from the user describing their decision. tests (list of str): A list of testcases to be waived. Defaults to ``None`` If left as ``None``, all ``unsatisfied_requirements`` returned by greenwave will be waived, otherwise only the testcase found in both list will be waived. Raises: LockedUpdateException: If the Update is locked. BodhiException: If test gating is not enabled in this Bodhi instance, or if the tests have passed. RuntimeError: Either WaiverDB or Greenwave did not give us a 200 code. """ log.debug('Attempting to waive test results for this update %s' % self.alias) if self.locked: raise LockedUpdateException("Can't waive test results on a " "locked update") if not config.get('test_gating.required'): raise BodhiException('Test gating is not enabled') if self.test_gating_passed: raise BodhiException("Can't waive test results on an update that passes test gating") # Ensure we can always iterate over tests tests = tests or [] for requirement in self._unsatisfied_requirements: if tests and requirement['testcase'] not in tests: continue data = { 'subject': requirement['item'], 'testcase': requirement['testcase'], 'product_version': self.product_version, 'waived': True, 'username': username, 'comment': comment } log.debug('Waiving test results: %s' % data) util.waiverdb_api_post( '{}/waivers/'.format(config.get('waiverdb_api_url')), data) self.test_gating_status = TestGatingStatus.waiting
[docs] def add_tag(self, tag): """ Add the given koji tag to all :class:`Builds <Build>` in this update. Args: tag (str): The tag to be added to the builds. """ log.debug('Adding tag %s to %s', tag, self.get_title()) if not tag: log.warning("Not adding builds of %s to empty tag", self.title) return [] # An empty iterator in place of koji multicall koji = buildsys.get_session() koji.multicall = True for build in self.builds: koji.tagBuild(tag, build.nvr, force=True) return koji.multiCall()
[docs] def remove_tag(self, tag, koji=None): """ Remove the given koji tag from all builds in this update. Args: tag (str): The tag to remove from the :class:`Builds <Build>` in this update. koji (koji.ClientSession or None): A koji client to use to perform the action. If None (the default), this method will use :func:`buildsys.get_session` to get one and multicall will be used. Returns: list or None: If a koji client was provided, ``None`` is returned. Else, a list of tasks from ``koji.multiCall()`` are returned. """ log.debug('Removing tag %s from %s', tag, self.get_title()) if not tag: log.warning("Not removing builds of %s from empty tag", self.get_title()) return [] # An empty iterator in place of koji multicall return_multicall = not koji if not koji: koji = buildsys.get_session() koji.multicall = True for build in self.builds: koji.untagBuild(tag, build.nvr, force=True) if return_multicall: return koji.multiCall()
[docs] def find_conflicting_builds(self) -> list: """ Find if there are any builds conflicting with the stable tag in the update. Returns a list of conflicting builds, empty is none found. """ conflicting_builds = [] for build in self.builds: if not build.is_latest(): conflicting_builds.append(build.nvr) return conflicting_builds
[docs] def modify_bugs(self): """ Comment on and close this update's bugs as necessary. This typically gets called by the Composer at the end. """ if self.status is UpdateStatus.testing: for bug in self.bugs: log.debug('Adding testing comment to bugs for %s', self.alias) bug.testing(self) elif self.status is UpdateStatus.stable: if not self.close_bugs: for bug in self.bugs: log.debug('Adding stable comment to bugs for %s', self.alias) bug.add_comment(self) else: if self.type is # Only close the tracking bugs # for bug in self.bugs: if not bug.parent: log.debug("Closing tracker bug %d" % bug.bug_id) bug.close_bug(self) else: for bug in self.bugs: bug.close_bug(self)
[docs] def status_comment(self, db): """ Add a comment to this update about a change in status. Args: db (sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session): A database session. """ if self.status is UpdateStatus.stable: self.comment(db, 'This update has been pushed to stable.', author='bodhi') elif self.status is UpdateStatus.testing: self.comment(db, 'This update has been pushed to testing.', author='bodhi') elif self.status is UpdateStatus.obsolete: self.comment(db, 'This update has been obsoleted.', author='bodhi')
[docs] def send_update_notice(self): """Send e-mail notices about this update.""" log.debug("Sending update notice for %s", self.alias) mailinglist = None sender = config.get('bodhi_email') if not sender: log.error(("bodhi_email not defined in configuration! Unable " "to send update notice")) return # eg: fedora_epel release_name = self.release.id_prefix.lower().replace('-', '_') if self.status is UpdateStatus.stable: mailinglist = config.get('%s_announce_list' % release_name) elif self.status is UpdateStatus.testing: mailinglist = config.get('%s_test_announce_list' % release_name) if mailinglist: for subject, body in mail.get_template(self, self.release.mail_template): mail.send_mail(sender, mailinglist, subject, body) notifications.publish(errata_schemas.ErrataPublishV1.from_dict( dict(subject=subject, body=body, update=self))) else: log.error("Cannot find mailing list address for update notice") log.error("release_name = %r", release_name)
[docs] def get_url(self): """ Return the relative URL to this update. Returns: str: A URL. """ path = ['updates'] path.append(self.alias) return os.path.join(*path)
[docs] def abs_url(self, request=None): """ Return the absolute URL to this update. Args: request (pyramid.request.Request or None): The current web request. Unused. """ base = config['base_address'] return os.path.join(base, self.get_url())
url = abs_url
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Return a string representation of this update. Returns: str: A string representation of the update. """ val = "%s\n%s\n%s\n" % ('=' * 80, '\n'.join(wrap( self.alias, width=80, initial_indent=' ' * 5, subsequent_indent=' ' * 5)), '=' * 80) val += """ Release: %s Status: %s Type: %s Severity: %s Karma: %d""" % (self.release.long_name, self.status.description, self.type.description, self.severity, self.karma) if self.critpath: val += "\n Critpath: %s" % self.critpath if self.request is not None: val += "\n Request: %s" % self.request.description if self.bugs: bugs = self.get_bugstring(show_titles=True) val += "\n Bugs: %s" % bugs if self.notes: notes = wrap( self.notes, width=67, subsequent_indent=' ' * 11 + ': ') val += "\n Notes: %s" % '\n'.join(notes) username = None if self.user: username = val += """ Submitter: %s Submitted: %s\n""" % (username, self.date_submitted) if self.comments_since_karma_reset: val += " Comments: " comments = [] for comment in self.comments_since_karma_reset: comments.append("%s%s - %s (karma %s)" % (' ' * 13,, comment.timestamp, comment.karma)) if comment.text: text = wrap(comment.text, initial_indent=' ' * 13, subsequent_indent=' ' * 13, width=67) comments.append('\n'.join(text)) val += '\n'.join(comments).lstrip() + '\n' val += "\n %s\n" % self.abs_url() return val
[docs] def update_bugs(self, bug_ids, session): """ Make the update's bugs consistent with the given list of bug ids. Create any new bugs, and remove any missing ones. Destroy removed bugs that are no longer referenced anymore. If any associated bug is found to be a security bug, alter the update to be a security update. Args: bug_ids (list): A list of strings of bug ids to associate with this update. session (sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session): A database session. Returns: list: :class:`Bugs <Bug>` that are newly associated with the update. """ to_remove = [bug for bug in self.bugs if bug.bug_id not in bug_ids] for bug in to_remove: self.bugs.remove(bug) if len(bug.updates) == 0: # Don't delete the Bug instance if there is any associated BugKarma if not session.query(BugKarma).filter_by(bug_id=bug.bug_id).count(): log.debug("Destroying stray Bugzilla #%d" % bug.bug_id) session.delete(bug) session.flush() new = [] for bug_id in bug_ids: bug = Bug.get(int(bug_id)) if not bug: bug = Bug(bug_id=int(bug_id)) session.add(bug) session.flush() if bug not in self.bugs: self.bugs.append(bug) new.append(bug.bug_id) if and self.type != self.type = session.flush() return new
[docs] def obsolete_if_unstable(self, db): """ Obsolete the update if it reached the negative karma threshold while pending. Args: db (sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session): A database session. """ if self.autokarma and self.status is UpdateStatus.pending \ and self.request is UpdateRequest.testing\ and self.karma <= self.unstable_karma:"%s has reached unstable karma thresholds", self.alias) self.obsolete(db) log.debug("%s has been obsoleted.", self.alias) return
[docs] def comment(self, session, text, karma=0, author=None, karma_critpath=0, bug_feedback=None, testcase_feedback=None, check_karma=True, email_notification=True): """Add a comment to this update. If the karma reaches the 'stable_karma' value, then request that this update be marked as stable. If it reaches the 'unstable_karma', it is unpushed. """ if not author: raise ValueError('You must provide a comment author') # Listify these bug_feedback = bug_feedback or [] testcase_feedback = testcase_feedback or [] got_feedback = False for feedback_dict in (bug_feedback + testcase_feedback): if feedback_dict['karma'] != 0: got_feedback = True break if (not text and not karma and not karma_critpath and not got_feedback): raise ValueError('You must provide either some text or feedback') caveats = [] if == author: if karma != 0: karma = 0 notice = 'You may not give karma to your own updates.' caveats.append({'name': 'karma', 'description': notice}) try: user = session.query(User).filter_by(name=author).one() except NoResultFound: user = User(name=author) session.add(user) comment = Comment(text=text, karma=karma, karma_critpath=karma_critpath, update=self, user=user) session.add(comment) if karma != 0: # Determine whether this user has already left karma, and if so what the most recent # karma value they left was. We should examine all but the most recent comment, since # that is the comment we just added. previous_karma = None for c in reversed(self.comments[:-1]): if == author and c.karma: previous_karma = c.karma break if previous_karma and karma != previous_karma: caveats.append({ 'name': 'karma', 'description': 'Your karma standing was reversed.', }) else: log.debug('Ignoring duplicate %d karma from %s on %s', karma, author, self.alias)"Updated %s karma to %d", self.alias, self.karma) if check_karma and author not in config.get('system_users'): try: self.check_karma_thresholds(session, 'bodhi') except LockedUpdateException: pass except BodhiException as e: # This gets thrown if the karma is pushed over the # threshold, but it is a critpath update that is not # critpath_approved. ... among other cases. log.exception('Problem checking the karma threshold.') caveats.append({ 'name': 'karma', 'description': str(e), }) # Obsolete pending update if it reaches unstable karma threshold self.obsolete_if_unstable(session) session.flush() for feedback_dict in bug_feedback: feedback = BugKarma(**feedback_dict) session.add(feedback) comment.bug_feedback.append(feedback) for feedback_dict in testcase_feedback: feedback = TestCaseKarma(**feedback_dict) session.add(feedback) comment.testcase_feedback.append(feedback) session.flush() # Publish to Fedora Messaging if author not in config.get('system_users'): notifications.publish(update_schemas.UpdateCommentV1.from_dict( {'comment': comment.__json__(), 'agent': author})) # Send a notification to everyone that has commented on this update people = set() for person in self.get_maintainers(): if people.add( else: people.add( for comment in self.comments: if in ['anonymous', 'bodhi']: continue if people.add( else: people.add( if email_notification: mail.send(people, 'comment', self, sender=None, agent=author) return comment, caveats
[docs] def unpush(self, db): """ Move this update back to its dist-fX-updates-candidate tag. Args: db (sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session): A database session. Raises: BodhiException: If the update isn't in testing. """ log.debug("Unpushing %s", self.alias) koji = buildsys.get_session() if self.status is UpdateStatus.unpushed: log.debug("%s already unpushed", self.alias) return if self.status is not UpdateStatus.testing: raise BodhiException("Can't unpush a %s update" % self.status.description) self.untag(db, preserve_override=True) koji.multicall = True for build in self.builds: koji.tagBuild(self.release.candidate_tag, build.nvr, force=True) koji.multiCall() self.pushed = False self.status = UpdateStatus.unpushed self.request = None
[docs] def revoke(self): """ Remove pending request for this update. Raises: BodhiException: If the update doesn't have a request set, or if it is not in an expected status. """ log.debug("Revoking %s", self.alias) if not self.request: raise BodhiException( "Can only revoke an update with an existing request") if self.status not in [UpdateStatus.pending, UpdateStatus.testing, UpdateStatus.obsolete, UpdateStatus.unpushed]: raise BodhiException( "Can only revoke a pending, testing, unpushed, or obsolete " "update, not one that is %s" % self.status.description) # Remove the 'pending' koji tags from this update so taskotron stops # evaluating them. if self.request is UpdateRequest.testing: self.remove_tag(self.release.pending_signing_tag) self.remove_tag(self.release.pending_testing_tag) elif self.request is UpdateRequest.stable: self.remove_tag(self.release.pending_stable_tag) self.request = None
[docs] def untag(self, db, preserve_override: bool = False): """ Untag all of the :class:`Builds <Build>` in this update. Args: db (sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session): A database session. preserve_override: whether to preserve the override tag or not """"Untagging %s", self.alias) koji = buildsys.get_session() tag_types, tag_rels = Release.get_tags(db) koji.multicall = True for build in self.builds: for tag in build.get_tags(): # Only remove tags that we know about if tag in tag_rels: if preserve_override and tag == self.release.override_tag:"Skipping override tag") else: koji.untagBuild(tag, build.nvr, force=True) else:"Skipping tag that we don't know about: %s" % tag) koji.multiCall() self.pushed = False
[docs] def obsolete(self, db, newer=None): """ Obsolete this update. Even though unpushing/obsoletion is an "instant" action, changes in the repository will not propagate until the next compose takes place. Args: db (sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session): A database session. newer (Update or None): If given, the update that has obsoleted this one. Defaults to ``None``. """ log.debug("Obsoleting %s", self.alias) self.untag(db) self.status = UpdateStatus.obsolete self.request = None if newer: self.comment(db, "This update has been obsoleted by [%s](%s)." % ( newer.nvr, newer.update.abs_url()), author='bodhi') else: self.comment(db, "This update has been obsoleted.", author='bodhi')
[docs] def get_maintainers(self): """ Return a list of maintainers who have commit access on the packages in this update. Returns: list: A list of :class:`Users <User>` who have commit access to all of the packages that are contained within this update. """ return [self.user]
@property def product_version(self): """ Return a string of the product version that this update's release is associated with. The product version is a string, such as "fedora-26", and is used when querying Greenwave for test gating decisions. Returns: str: The product version associated with this Update's Release. """ return self.release.long_name.lower().replace(' ', '-')
[docs] def check_requirements(self, session, settings): """ Check that an update meets its self-prescribed policy to be pushed. Args: session (sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session): A database session. Unused. settings (bodhi.server.config.BodhiConfig): Bodhi's settings. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing (result, reason) where result is a bool and reason is a str. """ if config.get('test_gating.required') and not self.test_gating_passed: return (False, "Required tests did not pass on this update") requirements = tokenize(self.requirements or '') requirements = list(requirements) if not requirements: return True, "No checks required." try: # since = self.last_modified.isoformat().rsplit('.', 1)[0] except Exception as e: log.exception("Failed to determine last_modified from %r : %r", self.last_modified, str(e)) return False, "Failed to determine last_modified: %r" % str(e) try: # query results for this update query = dict(type='bodhi_update', item=self.alias, since=since, testcases=','.join(requirements)) results = list(util.taskotron_results(settings, **query)) # query results for each build # retrieve timestamp for each build so that queries can be optimized koji = buildsys.get_session() koji.multicall = True for build in self.builds: koji.getBuild(build.nvr) buildinfos = koji.multiCall() for index, build in enumerate(self.builds): multicall_response = buildinfos[index] if not isinstance(multicall_response, list) \ or not isinstance(multicall_response[0], dict): msg = ("Error retrieving data from Koji for %r: %r" % (build.nvr, multicall_response)) log.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) buildinfo = multicall_response[0] ts = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(buildinfo['completion_ts']).isoformat() query = dict(type='koji_build', item=build.nvr, since=ts, testcases=','.join(requirements)) build_results = list(util.taskotron_results(settings, **query)) results.extend(build_results) except Exception as e: log.exception("Failed retrieving requirements results: %r", str(e)) return False, "Failed retrieving requirements results: %r" % str(e) for testcase in requirements: relevant = [result for result in results if result['testcase']['name'] == testcase] if not relevant: return False, 'No result found for required testcase %s' % testcase by_arch = defaultdict(list) for result in relevant: arch = result['data'].get('arch', ['noarch'])[0] by_arch[arch].append(result) for arch, result in by_arch.items(): latest = relevant[0] # resultsdb results are ordered chronologically if latest['outcome'] not in ['PASSED', 'INFO']: return False, "Required task %s returned %s" % ( latest['testcase']['name'], latest['outcome']) # TODO - check require_bugs and require_testcases also? return True, "All checks pass."
[docs] def check_karma_thresholds(self, db, agent): """ Check if we have reached either karma threshold, and adjust state as necessary. This method will call :meth:`set_request` if necessary. If the update is locked, it will ignore karma thresholds and raise an Exception. Args: db (sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session): A database session. agent (str): The username of the user who has provided karma. Raises: LockedUpdateException: If the update is locked. """ # Raise Exception if the update is locked if self.locked: log.debug('%s locked. Ignoring karma thresholds.', self.alias) raise LockedUpdateException # Return if the status of the update is not in testing or pending if self.status not in (UpdateStatus.testing, UpdateStatus.pending): return # If an update receives negative karma disable autopush # exclude rawhide updates see #4566 if (self.autokarma or self.autotime) and self._composite_karma[1] != 0 and self.status is \ UpdateStatus.testing and self.request is not UpdateRequest.stable and \ self.release.composed_by_bodhi:"Disabling Auto Push since the update has received negative karma") self.autokarma = False self.autotime = False text = config.get('disable_automatic_push_to_stable') self.comment(db, text, author='bodhi') elif self.stable_karma and self.karma >= self.stable_karma \ and self.release.composed_by_bodhi: if config.get('test_gating.required') and not self.test_gating_passed:"%s reached stable karma threshold, but does not meet gating " "requirements", self.alias) return if self.autokarma:"Automatically marking %s as stable", self.alias) self.set_request(db, UpdateRequest.stable, agent) self.date_pushed = None notifications.publish(update_schemas.UpdateKarmaThresholdV1.from_dict( dict(update=self, status='stable'))) else: # Add the stable approval message now "%s update has reached the stable karma threshold and can be pushed to " "stable now if the maintainer wishes"), self.alias) elif self.unstable_karma and self.karma <= self.unstable_karma: if self.status is UpdateStatus.pending and not self.autokarma: pass else:"Automatically unpushing %s", self.alias) self.obsolete(db) notifications.publish(update_schemas.UpdateKarmaThresholdV1.from_dict( dict(update=self, status='unstable')))
@property def builds_json(self): """ Return a JSON representation of this update's associated builds. Returns: str: A JSON list of the :class:`Builds <Build>` associated with this update. """ return json.dumps([build.nvr for build in self.builds]) @property def requirements_json(self): """ Return a JSON representation of this update's requirements. Returns: str: A JSON representation of this update's requirements. """ return json.dumps(list(tokenize(self.requirements or ''))) @property def last_modified(self): """ Return the last time this update was edited or created. This gets used specifically by taskotron/resultsdb queries so we only query for test runs that occur *after* the last time this update (in its current form) was in play. Returns: datetime.datetime: The most recent time of modification or creation. Raises: ValueError: If the update has no timestamps set, which should not be possible. """ # Prune out None values that have not been set possibilities = [self.date_submitted, self.date_modified] possibilities = [p for p in possibilities if p] if not possibilities: # Should be un-possible. raise ValueError("Update has no timestamps set: %r" % self) possibilities.sort() # Sort smallest to largest (oldest to newest) return possibilities[-1] # Return the last one @property def critpath_approved(self): """ Return whether or not this critpath update has been approved. Returns: bool: True if this update meets critpath testing requirements, False otherwise. """ # if self.meets_testing_requirements: return True min_karma = self.release.critpath_min_karma if self.release.setting_status: num_admin_approvals = config.get( f'{self.release.setting_prefix}.{self.release.setting_status}' '.critpath.num_admin_approvals') if num_admin_approvals is not None and min_karma: return self.num_admin_approvals >= int(num_admin_approvals) and \ self.karma >= min_karma return self.num_admin_approvals >= config.get('critpath.num_admin_approvals') and \ self.karma >= min_karma @property def meets_testing_requirements(self): """ Return whether or not this update meets its release's testing requirements. If this update's release does not have a mandatory testing requirement, then simply return True. Returns: bool: True if the update meets testing requirements, False otherwise. """ num_days = self.mandatory_days_in_testing if config.get('test_gating.required') and not self.test_gating_passed: return False if self.karma >= self.release.critpath_min_karma: return True if self.critpath: # Ensure there is no negative karma. We're looking at the sum of # each users karma for this update, which takes into account # changed votes. if self._composite_karma[1] < 0: return False return self.days_in_testing >= num_days if not num_days: return True if self.karma >= self.stable_karma: return True # Any update that reaches num_days has met the testing requirements. return self.days_in_testing >= num_days @property def has_stable_comment(self): """ Return whether Bodhi has commented on the update that the requirements have been met. This is used to determine whether bodhi should add the comment about the Update's eligibility to be pushed, as we only want Bodhi to add the comment once. Returns: bool: See description above for what the bool might mean. """ for comment in self.comments_since_karma_reset: if == 'bodhi' and \ comment.text == config.get('testing_approval_msg'): return True return False @property def days_to_stable(self): """ Return the number of days until an update can be pushed to stable. This method will return the number of days until an update can be pushed to stable, or 0. 0 is returned if the update meets testing requirements already, if it doesn't have a "truthy" date_testing attribute, or if it's been in testing for the release's mandatory_days_in_testing or longer. Returns: int: The number of dates until this update can be pushed to stable, or 0 if it cannot be determined. """ if not self.meets_testing_requirements and self.date_testing: num_days = (self.mandatory_days_in_testing - self.days_in_testing) if num_days > 0: return num_days return 0 @property def days_in_testing(self): """ Return the number of days that this update has been in testing. Returns: int: The number of days since this update's date_testing if it is set, else 0. """ if self.date_testing: return (datetime.utcnow() - self.date_testing).days else: return 0 @property def num_admin_approvals(self): """ Return the number of Releng/QA approvals of this update. Returns: int: The number of admin approvals found in the comments of this update. """ approvals = 0 for comment in self.comments_since_karma_reset: if comment.karma != 1: continue admin_groups = config.get('admin_groups') for group in comment.user.groups: if in admin_groups: approvals += 1 break return approvals @property def test_cases(self): """ Return a list of all TestCase names associated with all packages in this update. Returns: list: A list of strings naming the :class:`TestCases <TestCase>` associated with this update. """ tests = set() for build in self.builds: for test in build.testcases: tests.add( return sorted(list(tests)) @property def full_test_cases(self): """ Return a list of all TestCases associated with all packages in this update. Returns: list: A list of :class:`TestCases <TestCase>`. """ tests = set() for build in self.builds: test_names = set() for test in build.testcases: if not in test_names: test_names.add( tests.add(test) return sorted(list(tests), key=lambda testcase: @property def requested_tag(self): """ Return the tag the update has requested. Returns: str: The Koji tag that corresponds to the update's current request. Raises: RuntimeError: If a Koji tag is unable to be determined. """ tag = None if self.request is UpdateRequest.stable: tag = self.release.stable_tag # [No Frozen Rawhide] Move stable builds going to a pending # release to the Release.dist-tag if self.release.state is ReleaseState.pending: tag = self.release.dist_tag elif self.request == UpdateRequest.testing: tag = self.release.testing_tag elif self.request is UpdateRequest.obsolete: tag = self.release.candidate_tag if not tag: raise RuntimeError( f'Unable to determine requested tag for {self.alias}.') return tag
[docs] def __json__(self, request=None): """ Return a JSON representation of this update. Args: request (pyramid.request.Request or None): The current web request, or None. Passed on to :meth:`BodhiBase.__json__`. Returns: str: A JSON representation of this update. """ result = super(Update, self).__json__(request=request) # Duplicate alias as updateid for backwards compat with bodhi1 result['updateid'] = result['alias'] # Include the karma total in the results result['karma'] = self.karma # Also, the Update content_type (derived from the builds content_types) result['content_type'] = self.content_type.value if self.content_type else None # For, throw the JSON # of the test cases in our output as well but take extra care to # short-circuit some of the insane recursion for # seen = [Package, TestCaseKarma] result['test_cases'] = [ test._to_json( obj=test, seen=seen, request=request) for test in self.full_test_cases ] return result
[docs] @staticmethod def comment_on_test_gating_status_change(target, value, old, initiator): """ Place comment on the update when ``test_gating_status`` changes. Only notify the users by email if the new status is in ``failed``. Args: target (InstanceState): The state of the instance that has had a change to its test_gating_status attribute. value (EnumSymbol): The new value of the test_gating_status. old (EnumSymbol): The old value of the test_gating_status initiator (sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.Event): The event object that is initiating this transition. """ instance = target.object if value != old: notify = value == TestGatingStatus.failed instance.comment( target.session, f"This update's test gating status has been changed to '{value}'.", author="bodhi", email_notification=notify, )
def _build_group_test_message(self, agent="bodhi", retrigger=False): """ Build the dictionary sent when an update is ready to be tested. This is used in bodhi.server.models.Update._ready_for_testing and in which are the two places where we send notifications about an update being ready to be tested by any CI system. Args: agent (str): For the case where the message is sent as a test re-trigger request, the user who requested it. Otherwise, 'bodhi'. retrigger (bool): Whether the message is sent as a test re- trigger request. Returns: dict: A dictionary corresponding to the message sent """ contact = { "name": "Bodhi", "email": "admin@fp.o", "team": "Fedora CI", "docs": "", } builds = [] for build in self.builds: builds.append({ "type": "koji-build", "id": build.get_build_id(), "task_id": build.get_task_id(), "issuer": build.get_owner_name(), "component": build.nvr_name, "nvr": build.nvr, "scratch": False, }) artifact = { "type": "koji-build-group", "id": f"{self.alias}-{self.version_hash}", "repository": self.abs_url(), "builds": builds, "release": self.release.dist_tag, } return { "contact": contact, "artifact": artifact, "update": self, "generated_at": datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z', "version": "0.2.2", 'agent': agent, 're-trigger': retrigger, } @staticmethod def _ready_for_testing(target, value, old, initiator): """ Signal that the update has been moved to testing. This happens in the following cases: - for stable releases: the update lands in the testing repository - for rawhide: all packages in an update have been built by koji Args: target (Update): The update that has had a change to its status attribute. value (EnumSymbol): The new value of Update.status. old (EnumSymbol): The old value of the Update.status initiator (sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.Event): The event object that is initiating this transition. """ if value != UpdateStatus.testing or value == old: return if old == NEVER_SET: # This is the object initialization phase. This instance is not ready, don't create # the message now. This method will be called again at the end of __init__ return if target.content_type != ContentType.rpm: return message = update_schemas.UpdateReadyForTestingV2.from_dict( message=target._build_group_test_message() ) notifications.publish(message)
event.listen( Update.test_gating_status, 'set', Update.comment_on_test_gating_status_change, active_history=True, raw=True, ) event.listen( Update.status, 'set', Update._ready_for_testing, active_history=True, )
[docs]class Compose(Base): """ Express the status of an in-progress compose job. This object is used in a few ways: * It ensures that only one compose process runs per repo, serving as a compose "lock". * It marks which updates are part of a compose, serving as an update "lock". * It gives the compose process a place to log which step it is in, which will allow us to provide compose monitoring tools. Attributes: __exclude_columns__ (tuple): A tuple of columns to exclude when __json__() is called. __include_extras__ (tuple): A tuple of attributes to add when __json__() is called. __tablename__ (str): The name of the table in the database. checkpoints (str): A JSON serialized object describing the checkpoints the composer has reached. date_created (datetime.datetime): The time this Compose was created. error_message (str): An error message indicating what happened if the Compose failed. release_id (int): The primary key of the :class:`Release` that is being composed. Forms half of the primary key, with the other half being the ``request``. request (UpdateRequest): The request of the release that is being composed. Forms half of the primary key, with the other half being the ``release_id``. release (Release): The release that is being composed. state_date (datetime.datetime): The time of the most recent change to the state attribute. state (ComposeState): The state of the compose. updates (sqlalchemy.orm.collections.InstrumentedList): An iterable of updates included in this compose. """ __exclude_columns__ = ('updates') # We need to include content_type and security so the composer can collate the Composes and so # it can pick the right composer class to use. __include_extras__ = ('content_type', 'security', 'update_summary') __tablename__ = 'composes' # These together form the primary key. release_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True, nullable=False) request = Column(UpdateRequest.db_type(), primary_key=True, nullable=False) # The parent class gives us an id primary key, but we'd rather have a "natural" primary key, so # let's override it and set to None. id = None # We could use the JSON type here, but that would require PostgreSQL >= 9.2.0. We don't really # need the ability to query inside this so the JSONB type probably isn't useful. checkpoints = Column(UnicodeText, nullable=False, default='{}') error_message = Column(UnicodeText) date_created = Column(DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.utcnow) state_date = Column(DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.utcnow) release = relationship('Release', backref='composes') state = Column(ComposeState.db_type(), nullable=False, default=ComposeState.requested) @property def content_type(self): """ Return the content_type of this compose. Returns: (ContentType or None): The content type of this compose, or None if there are no associated :class:`Updates <Update>`. """ if self.updates: return self.updates[0].content_type
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, db, compose): """ Return a :class:`Compose` instance from the given dict representation of it. Args: db (sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session): A database session to use to query for the compose. compose (dict): A dictionary representing the compose, in the format returned by :meth:`Compose.__json__`. Returns: bodhi.server.models.Compose: The requested compose instance. """ return db.query(cls).filter_by( release_id=compose['release_id'], request=UpdateRequest.from_string(compose['request'])).one()
[docs] @classmethod def from_updates(cls, updates): """ Return a list of Compose objects to compose the given updates. The updates will be collated by release, request, and content type, and will be added to new Compose objects that match those groupings. Note that calling this will cause each of the updates to become locked once the transaction is committed. Args: updates (list): A list of :class:`Updates <Update>` that you wish to Compose. Returns: list: A list of new compose objects for the given updates. """ work = {} for update in updates: if not update.request:'%s request was revoked', update.alias) continue # ASSUMPTION: For now, updates can only be of a single type. ctype = None if not update.builds:"No builds in {update.alias}. Skipping.") continue for build in update.builds: if ctype is None: ctype = build.type elif ctype is not build.type: # pragma: no cover # This branch is not covered because the Update.validate_builds validator # catches the same assumption breakage. This check here is extra for the # time when someone adds multitype updates and forgets to update this. raise ValueError(f'Builds of multiple types found in {update.alias}') # This key is just to insert things in the same place in the "work" # dict. key = '%s-%s' % (, update.request.value) if key not in work: work[key] = cls(request=update.request,, release=update.release) # Lock the Update. This implicitly adds it to the Compose because the Update.compose # relationship joins on the Compose's compound pk for locked Updates. update.locked = True # We cast to a list here because a dictionary's values() method does not return a list in # Python 3 and the docblock states that a list is returned. return list(work.values())
@property def security(self): """ Return whether this compose is a security related compose or not. Returns: bool: ``True`` if any of the :class:`Updates <Update>` in this compose are marked as security updates. """ for update in self.updates: if update.type is return True return False
[docs] @staticmethod def update_state_date(target, value, old, initiator): """ Update the ``state_date`` when the state changes. Args: target (Compose): The compose that has had a change to its state attribute. value (EnumSymbol): The new value of the state. old (EnumSymbol): The old value of the state initiator (sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.Event): The event object that is initiating this transition. """ if value != old: target.state_date = datetime.utcnow()
@property def update_summary(self): """ Return a summary of the updates attribute, suitable for transmitting via the API. Returns: list: A list of dictionaries with keys 'alias' and 'title', indexing each update alias and title associated with this Compose. """ return [{'alias': u.alias, 'title': u.get_title(nvr=True, beautify=True)} for u in self.updates]
[docs] def __json__(self, request=None, exclude=None, include=None, composer=False): """ Serialize this compose in JSON format. Args: request (pyramid.request.Request or None): The current web request, or None. exclude (iterable or None): See superclass docblock. include (iterable or None): See superclass docblock. composer (bool): If True, increase the number of excluded attributes so that only the attributes required by the Composer to identify Composes are included. Defaults to False. If used, overrides exclude and include. Returns: str: A JSON representation of the Compose. """ if composer: exclude = ('checkpoints', 'error_message', 'date_created', 'state_date', 'release', 'state', 'updates') # We need to include content_type and security so the composer can collate the Composes # and so it can pick the right composer class to use. include = ('content_type', 'security') return super(Compose, self).__json__(request=request, exclude=exclude, include=include)
[docs] def __lt__(self, other): """ Return ``True`` if this compose has a higher priority than the other. Args: other (Compose): Another compose we are comparing this compose to for sorting. Return: bool: ``True`` if this compose has a higher priority than the other, else ``False``. """ if and not return True if and not return False if self.request == UpdateRequest.stable and other.request != UpdateRequest.stable: return True return False
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Return a human-readable representation of this compose. Returns: str: A string to be displayed to users describing this compose. """ return '<Compose: {} {}>'.format(, self.request.description)
event.listen(Compose.state, 'set', Compose.update_state_date, active_history=True) # Used for many-to-many relationships between karma and a bug
[docs]class BugKarma(Base): """ Karma for a bug associated with a comment. Attributes: karma (int): The karma associated with this bug and comment. comment (Comment): The comment this BugKarma is part of. bug (Bug): The bug this BugKarma pertains to. """ __tablename__ = 'comment_bug_assoc' karma = Column(Integer, default=0) # Many-to-one relationships comment_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) comment = relationship("Comment", backref=backref('bug_feedback', cascade="all,delete,delete-orphan")) bug_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('bugs.bug_id')) bug = relationship("Bug", backref='feedback')
# Used for many-to-many relationships between karma and a TestCase
[docs]class TestCaseKarma(Base): """ Karma for a TestCase associated with a comment. Attributes: karma (int): The karma associated with this TestCase comment. comment (Comment): The comment this TestCaseKarma is associated with. testcase (TestCase): The TestCase this TestCaseKarma pertains to. """ __tablename__ = 'comment_testcase_assoc' karma = Column(Integer, default=0) # Many-to-one relationships comment_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) comment = relationship("Comment", backref=backref('testcase_feedback', cascade="all,delete,delete-orphan")) testcase_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) testcase = relationship("TestCase", backref='feedback')
[docs]class Comment(Base): """ An update comment. Attributes: karma (int): The karma associated with this comment. Defaults to 0. karma_critpath (int): The critpath karma associated with this comment. Defaults to 0. **DEPRECATED** no longer used in the UI text (str): The text of the comment. timestamp (datetime.datetime): The time the comment was created. Defaults to the return value of datetime.utcnow(). update (Update): The update that this comment pertains to. user (User): The user who wrote this comment. """ __tablename__ = 'comments' __exclude_columns__ = tuple() __get_by__ = ('id',) karma = Column(Integer, default=0) karma_critpath = Column(Integer, default=0) text = Column(UnicodeText, nullable=False) timestamp = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow) # One-to-many relationships # bug_feedback backref from BugKarma # testcase_feedback backref from TestCaseKarma # Many-to-one relationships update_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False, index=True) # update backref from Update user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) # user backref from User
[docs] def url(self) -> str: """ Return a URL to this comment. Returns: A URL to this comment. """ url = self.update.get_url() + '#comment-' + str( return url
@property def unique_testcase_feedback(self) -> typing.List[TestCaseKarma]: """ Return a list of unique :class:`TestCaseKarma` objects found in the testcase_feedback. This will filter out duplicates for :class:`TestCases <TestCase>`. It will return the correct number of TestCases in testcase_feedback as a list. Returns: A list of unique :class:`TestCaseKarma` objects associated with this comment. """ feedbacks = self.testcase_feedback unique_feedbacks = set() filtered_feedbacks = list() for feedback in feedbacks: if not in unique_feedbacks: unique_feedbacks.add( filtered_feedbacks.append(feedback) return filtered_feedbacks @property def rss_title(self) -> str: """ Return a formatted title for the comment using update alias and comment id. Returns: A string representation of the comment for RSS feed. """ return "{} comment #{}".format(self.update.alias,
[docs] def __json__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> dict: """ Return a JSON string representation of this comment. Args: args: A list of extra args to pass on to :meth:`BodhiBase.__json__`. kwargs: Extra kwargs to pass on to :meth:`BodhiBase.__json__`. Returns: A JSON-serializable dict representation of this comment. """ result = super(Comment, self).__json__(*args, **kwargs) # Duplicate 'user' as 'author' just for backwards compat with bodhi1. # Things like the message schemas and fedbadges rely on this. if result['user']: result['author'] = result['user']['name'] # Similarly, duplicate the update's alias as update_alias. result['update_alias'] = result['update']['alias'] # Updates used to have a karma column which would be included in result['update']. The # column was replaced with a property, so we need to include it here for backwards # compatibility. result['update']['karma'] = self.update.karma return result
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """ Return a str representation of this comment. Returns: A str representation of this comment. """ karma = '0' if self.karma != 0: karma = '%+d' % (self.karma,) return "%s - %s (karma: %s)\n%s" % (, self.timestamp, karma, self.text)
[docs]class Bug(Base): """ Represents a Bugzilla bug. Attributes: bug_id (int): The bug's id. title (str): The description of the bug. security (bool): True if the bug is marked as a security issue. parent (bool): True if this is a parent tracker bug for release-specific bugs. """ __tablename__ = 'bugs' __exclude_columns__ = ('id', 'updates') __get_by__ = ('bug_id',) # Bug number. If None, assume ``url`` points to an external bug tracker bug_id = Column(Integer, unique=True) # The title of the bug title = Column(Unicode(255)) # If we're dealing with a security bug security = Column(Boolean, default=False) # If this bug is a parent tracker bug for release-specific bugs parent = Column(Boolean, default=False) # Many-to-many relationships # updates backref from Update # feedback backref from BugKarma @property def url(self) -> str: """ Return a URL to the bug. Returns: The URL to this bug. """ return config['buglink'] % self.bug_id
[docs] def update_details(self, bug: typing.Optional['bugzilla.bug.Bug'] = None) -> None: """ Grab details from rhbz to populate our bug fields. This is typically called "offline" in the UpdatesHandler task. Args: bug: The Bug to retrieve details from Bugzilla about. If None, self.bug_id will be used to retrieve the bug. Defaults to None. """ bugs.bugtracker.update_details(bug, self)
[docs] def default_message(self, update: Update) -> str: """ Return a default comment to add to a bug with add_comment(). Args: update: The update that is related to the bug. Returns: The default comment to add to the bug related to the given update. """ install_msg = ( f'Soon you\'ll be able to install the update with the following ' f'command:\n`{update.install_command}`') if update.install_command else '' msg_data = {'update_title': update.get_title(delim=", ", nvr=True), 'update_beauty_title': update.get_title(beautify=True, nvr=True), 'update_alias': update.alias, 'repo': f'{update.release.long_name} {update.status.description}', 'install_instructions': install_msg, 'update_url': f'{config.get("base_address")}{update.get_url()}'} if update.status is UpdateStatus.stable: message = config['stable_bug_msg'].format(**msg_data) elif update.status is UpdateStatus.testing: if update.release.id_prefix == "FEDORA-EPEL": if 'testing_bug_epel_msg' in config: template = config['testing_bug_epel_msg'] else: template = config['testing_bug_msg'] log.warning("No 'testing_bug_epel_msg' found in the config.") else: template = config['testing_bug_msg'] message = template.format(**msg_data) else: raise ValueError(f'Trying to post a default comment to a bug, but ' f'{update.alias} is not in Stable or Testing status.') return message
[docs] def add_comment(self, update: Update, comment: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ Add a comment to the bug, pertaining to the given update. Args: update: The update that is related to the bug. comment: The comment to add to the bug. If None, a default message is added to the bug. Defaults to None. """ if update.type is and self.parent \ and update.status is not UpdateStatus.stable: log.debug('Not commenting on parent security bug %s', self.bug_id) else: if not comment: comment = self.default_message(update) log.debug("Adding comment to Bug #%d: %s" % (self.bug_id, comment)) bugs.bugtracker.comment(self.bug_id, comment)
[docs] def testing(self, update: Update) -> None: """ Change the status of this bug to ON_QA. Also, comment on the bug with some details on how to test and provide feedback for the given update. Args: update: The update associated with the bug. """ # Skip modifying Security Response bugs for testing updates if update.type is and self.parent: log.debug('Not modifying parent security bug %s', self.bug_id) else: comment = self.default_message(update) bugs.bugtracker.on_qa(self.bug_id, comment)
[docs] def close_bug(self, update: Update) -> None: """ Close the bug. Args: update: The update associated with the bug. """ # Build a mapping of package names to build versions # so that .close() can figure out which build version fixes which bug. versions = dict([ (b.nvr_name, b.nvr) for b in update.builds ]) bugs.bugtracker.close(self.bug_id, versions=versions, comment=self.default_message(update))
[docs] def modified(self, update: Update, comment: str) -> None: """ Change the status of this bug to MODIFIED unless it is a parent security bug. Also, comment on the bug stating that an update has been submitted. Args: update: The update that is associated with this bug. comment: A comment to leave on the bug when modifying it. """ if update.type is and self.parent: log.debug('Not modifying parent security bug %s', self.bug_id) else: bugs.bugtracker.modified(self.bug_id, comment)
user_group_table = Table('user_group_table', Base.metadata, Column('user_id', Integer, ForeignKey('')), Column('group_id', Integer, ForeignKey('')))
[docs]class User(Base): """ A Bodhi user. Attributes: name (str): The username. email (str): An e-mail address for the user. comments (sqlalchemy.orm.dynamic.AppenderQuery): An iterable of :class:`Comments <Comment>` the user has written. updates (sqlalchemy.orm.dynamic.AppenderQuery): An iterable of :class:`Updates <Update>` the user has created. groups (sqlalchemy.orm.collections.InstrumentedList): An iterable of :class:`Groups <Group>` the user is a member of. """ __tablename__ = 'users' __exclude_columns__ = ('comments', 'updates', 'buildroot_overrides') __include_extras__ = ('avatar', 'openid') __get_by__ = ('name',) name = Column(Unicode(64), unique=True, nullable=False) email = Column(UnicodeText) # One-to-many relationships comments = relationship(Comment, backref=backref('user'), lazy='dynamic') updates = relationship(Update, backref=backref('user'), lazy='dynamic') # buildroot_overrides backref from BuildrootOverride # Many-to-many relationships groups = relationship("Group", secondary=user_group_table, backref='users')
[docs] def avatar(self, request: 'pyramid.request') -> typing.Union[str, None]: """ Return a URL for the User's avatar, or None if request is falsey. Args: request: The current web request. Returns: A URL for the User's avatar, or None if request is falsey. """ if not request: return None context = dict(request=request) return get_avatar(context=context,, size=24)
[docs] def openid(self, request: 'pyramid.request') -> str: """ Return an openid identity URL. Args: request: The current web request. Returns: The openid identity URL for the User object. """ if not request: return None template = request.registry.settings.get('openid_template') return template.format(
[docs]class Group(Base): """ A group of users. Attributes: name (str): The name of the Group. users (sqlalchemy.orm.collections.InstrumentedList): An iterable of the :class:`Users <User>` who are in the group. """ __tablename__ = 'groups' __get_by__ = ('name',) __exclude_columns__ = ('id',) name = Column(Unicode(64), unique=True, nullable=False)
# Many-to-many relationships # users backref from User
[docs]class BuildrootOverride(Base): """ This model represents a Koji buildroot override. A buildroot override is a way to add a build to the Koji buildroot (the set of packages used to build a package) manually. Normally, builds are only available after they are pushed to "stable", but this allows a build to be added to the buildroot immediately. This is useful for updates that depend on each other to be built. Attributes: notes (str): A text field that holds arbitrary notes about the buildroot override. submission_date (DateTime): The date that the buildroot override was submitted. expiration_date (DateTime): The date that the buildroot override expires. expired_date (DateTime): The date that the buildroot override expired. build_id (int): The primary key of the :class:`Build` this override is related to. build (Build): The build this override is related to. submitter_id (int): The primary key of the :class:`User` this override was created by. submitter (User): The user this override was created by. """ __tablename__ = 'buildroot_overrides' __include_extras__ = ('nvr',) __get_by__ = ('build_id',) notes = Column(UnicodeText, nullable=False) submission_date = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow, nullable=False) expiration_date = Column(DateTime, nullable=False) expired_date = Column(DateTime) # Many-to-one relationships build_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) build = relationship('Build', lazy='joined', innerjoin=True, backref=backref('override', uselist=False)) submitter_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) submitter = relationship('User', lazy='joined', innerjoin=True, backref='buildroot_overrides') @property def nvr(self) -> str: """ Return the NVR of the :class:`Build` associated with this override. Returns: The override's :class:`Build's <Build>` NVR. """ return
[docs] @classmethod def new(cls, request: 'pyramid.request', **data) -> 'BuildrootOverride': """ Create a new buildroot override. Args: request: The current web request. data: A dictionary of all the attributes to be used on the new override. Returns: The newly created BuildrootOverride instance. """ db = request.db build = data['build'] if build.override is not None: request.errors.add('body', 'nvr', '%s is already in a override' % build.nvr) return old_build = db.query(Build).filter( and_( Build.package_id == build.package_id, Build.release_id == build.release_id)).first() if old_build is not None and old_build.override is not None: # There already is a buildroot override for an older build of this # package in this release. Expire it log.debug(f"Expiring BRO for {old_build.nvr} because it's superseded by {build.nvr}.") old_build.override.expire() db.add(old_build.override) override = cls(**data) override.enable() db.add(override) db.flush() return override
[docs] @classmethod def edit(cls, request: 'pyramid.request', **data) -> 'BuildrootOverride': """ Edit an existing buildroot override. Args: request: The current web request. data: The changed being made to the BuildrootOverride. Returns: The new updated override. """ db = request.db edited = data.pop('edited') override = cls.get( if override is None: request.errors.add('body', 'edited', 'No buildroot override for this build') return override.submitter = data['submitter'] override.notes = data['notes'] override.expiration_date = data['expiration_date'] if 'submission_date' in data: override.submission_date = data['submission_date'] now = datetime.utcnow() if override.expired_date is not None and override.expiration_date > now: # Buildroot override had expired, we need to unexpire it override.enable() elif data['expired']: log.debug(f"Expiring BRO for {} because it was edited.") override.expire() db.add(override) db.flush() return override
[docs] def enable(self) -> None: """Mark the BuildrootOverride as enabled.""" koji_session = buildsys.get_session() koji_session.tagBuild(, notifications.publish(override_schemas.BuildrootOverrideTagV1.from_dict( dict(override=self))) self.expired_date = None
[docs] def expire(self) -> None: """Mark the BuildrootOverride as expired.""" if self.expired_date is not None: return koji_session = buildsys.get_session() try: koji_session.untagBuild(,, strict=True) except Exception as e: log.error('Unable to untag override %s: %s' % (, e)) self.expired_date = datetime.utcnow() notifications.publish(override_schemas.BuildrootOverrideUntagV1.from_dict( {'override': self}))