========== Virtualenv ========== Dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``sudo dnf install libffi-devel postgresql-devel openssl-devel koji pcaro-hermit-fonts freetype-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel zeromq-devel git gcc redhat-rpm-config fedora-cert python2-dnf yum`` Setup virtualenvwrapper ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``sudo dnf -y install python-virtualenvwrapper python-createrepo_c createrepo_c`` Add the following to your `~/.bashrc`:: export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs source /usr/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh Set PYTHONPATH ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Add the following to your `~/.bashrc` ``export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$HOME/.virtualenvs`` Then on the terminal :: source ~/.bashrc Clone the source ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: git clone https://github.com/fedora-infra/bodhi.git cd bodhi Bootstrap the virtualenv ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: ./bootstrap.py workon bodhi-python2.7 Setting up ^^^^^^^^^^ ``python setup.py develop`` ``pip install psycopg2 pyramid_debugtoolbar`` Create the `development.ini `_ file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Copy ``devel/development.ini.example`` to ``development.ini``: :: cp devel/development.ini.example development.ini Run the test suite ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``py.test`` Import the bodhi2 database ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -O https://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/infra/db-dumps/bodhi2.dump.xz sudo -u postgres createdb bodhi2 sudo -u postgres psql -c "create role bodhi2;" xzcat bodhi2.dump.xz | sudo -u postgres psql bodhi2 .. note:: If you do not have a PostgreSQL server running, please see the instructions at the bottom of the file. Adjust database configuration in `development.ini `_ file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Set the configuration key `sqlalchemy.url `_ to point to the postgresql database. Something like: :: sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://postgres:anypasswordworkslocally@localhost/bodhi2 Upgrade the database ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``alembic upgrade head`` Run the web app ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``pserve development.ini --reload`` Setup the postgresql server ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Install postgresql ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: dnf install postgresql-server 2. Setup the Database ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As a privileged user on a Fedora system run the following: :: sudo postgresql-setup initdb 3. Adjust PostgreSQL Connection Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As a privileged user on a Fedora system modify the pg_hba.conf file: :: vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf Then adjust the content at the bottom of the file to match the following. :: # TYPE DATABASE USER ADDRESS METHOD # "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only local all all peer # IPv4 local connections are *trusted*, any password will work. host all all trust # IPv6 local connections are *trusted*, any password will work. host all all ::1/128 trust If you need to make other modifications to postgresql please make them now. 4. Start PostgreSQL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As a privileged user on a Fedora system run the following: :: sudo systemctl start postgresql.service